Institute of Arabic Manuscripts - Book of the Year 2021

A Literary History of MedicineThe ʿUyūn al-anbāʾ fī ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbāʾ of Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿah, edited and translated, with essays, by Emilie Savage-Smith, Simon Swain, and Geert Jan van Gelder (with Ignacio Sanchez, N. Peter Joose, Alasdair Watson, Bruce Inksetter, and Franak Hilloowala), 5 vols.  (Leiden, 2020)  -- and available online through the Open Access portal of Brill Publishing, at:] -- has been chosen ‘The Book of Year 2021’ by the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts in Cairo.  This is a prestigious award, and there will be a celebration of the event in Cairo on 4 April 2021. To find out more about this project, please see