Norman Sicily and Ifrīqiya - Documents, Scripts and Islamic Law

Norman Sicily and Ifrīqiya - Documents, Scripts and Islamic Law

Thursday 1st December 2022, The Buttery, Wolfson College, University of Oxford

Umberto Bongianino (DocuMult: University of Oxford) Welcome

Moez Dridi (Senior Archivist, Qatar National Library)
Arabic documents in the library of Kairouan: from the formation of the collection to prospects for study and research

Nadia Jamil (DocuMult: University of Oxford)
The creative repurposing of Mālikī legal formulae in the Arabic documents of Norman Sicily

Sonia Merli (DocuMult: Università di Palermo)
“The Treasure of the Holy African Church” revisited (Tabulario della Cappella Palatina, pergamena no. 11: post 1159 A.D.)

Umberto Bongianino (DocuMult: University of Oxford)
The king’s new pen-pushers: revisiting the introduction of dīwānī scripts in the Norman chancery

Jeremy Johns and Nadia Jamil (DocuMult: University of Oxford)
Arabic documents from Ifrīqiya and Sicily (Kalbid and Norman) amongst the “Damascus Fragments” (İstanbul, Türk ve İslam Eserleri Müzesi, Şam Evrakı): a second sondage

18:00: Refreshments