"Urban and Rural Landscapes in the Medieval Mediterranean"
The 1st Mark Whittow Memorial Conference, to be held at St John's College, Oxford, on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June 2019
9:00 Coffee and registration
9:30–9:45 Welcome - Chris Wickham
9:45–10.30 Ilya Afanasyev/Nicholas Matheou - Modes of Production, Territory and Collective Identifications: Towards a Marxian Theory of ’Nationhood’ in History
10:30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–11.45 Adrastos Omissi - A City on Two Continents: The Foundation of Constantinople and the Landscape of the late Roman Polity
11.45–12.30 Catherine Holmes - Communication and the graphic environment: landscape, text and power in Byzantium c.950-1100
12.30–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.15 Nadia Jamil - Landscapes of the Mind: Sixth-century Arabia
14.15–15.00 Julia Bray Analysing landscape descriptions in medieval Arabic (provisional title)
15.00–15.30 Tea
15.30–16.15 Nick Evans Early Medieval Landscapes of the North-West Caucasus: Fragmentation and Connectivity
16.15–17.00 Philipp Niewöhner Cultural landscapes of Byzantine Asia Minor. From late antique provinces to medieval provincialism
17.00–17.45 Clive Foss The Homeland of the Ottoman Turks
17.45–18.30 Chris Wickham Mapping the patterns of Middle Byzantine exchange
9.30–10.15 Maximilian Lau "Moving Barbarians and Mountains": The New Imperial Cilicia of John II Komnenos
10.15-11.00 Coffee
11.00-11.45 Lorenzo Bondioli Peasants, Merchants, and the State: the fiscal-commercial landscape of Islamic Egypt, 10th-12th centuries CE
11.45-12.30 Christopher Tyerman Crusading Landscapes: geography, romance and politics
12.30–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.15 Adele Curness Landscape and Sanctity in Italo-Greek Hagiography
14.15–15.00 Andrew Small The Brebion of Reggio: the economic landscape of late Byzantine Calabria
15.00–15.30 Tea
15.30–16.15 Jeremy Johns Whittow's leap: Calatrasi and the changing feudal landscape of Norman Sicily
16.15–17.00 Marek Jankowiak The landscapes of Volga Bulgaria: steppe, trade, and agriculture
17.00–17.45 William Whyte University landscapes in the Mediterranean
1800 – 1900 Farewell Drinks
Please contact Gillian Cane on : krc.office@orinst.ox.ac.uk, 01865 (2)78222 to book your place, and for further details.
Attendance is free with a voluntary contribution to the Mark Whittow Memorial Fund. Details below:
Mark Whittow Memorial Fund
A fund has been set-up in memory of Mark, aimed at supporting the work of Byzantinists and historians and those with interests in archaeology, landscape and the material world. Information on how to donate via each College can be found below:
St Peter’s College:
To make a postal gift, please quote ‘Mark Whittow Fund ’and send along with a cheque made payable to ‘St Peter’s College, Oxford’ to St Peter’s College, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford, OX1 2DL
To pay by card, please call the development office on: +44 (0)1865 61498.
To make your gift online, please visit: https://www.spc.ox.ac.uk/donate
To pay by card, please call the development office on: +44 (0)1865 61498.
To make your gift online, please visit: https://www.spc.ox.ac.uk/donate
Corpus Christi College:
To make a postal gift, please quote ‘Mark Whittow Fund ’and send with a cheque made payable to ‘Corpus Christi College, Oxford’ to Corpus Christi College, Merton St, Oxford OX1 4JF.” To donate online go to: https://development.ccc.ox.ac.uk/whittow.html
Oriel College:
To make a donation via Oriel College, please use either of the methods below:
Phone: +44 (0)1865 286541
Send a cheque to: FAO Development Office, Oriel Square, Oxford OX1 4EW referencing “Mark Whittow”.