Available Grants & Awards
The following list of grants and awards was created by Dr Yeliz Teber and very generously passed on to the centre in case it is of use to other students and researchers. Many of the deadline dates listed will have passed, but other details should be correct.
AAH - Association for Art History – Grants for Scholarly Research up to £1,000
1) Organisation of symposia, conferences and workshops, 2) Travel to libraries, archives and collections, 3) Delivery of research findings at conferences, 4) Catalogues and public engagement programmes for exhibitions, 5) Access to images controlled by third party rights holders. 6) Grants to develop professional practice within art history include: Participation in museum and gallery training programmes in curatorial and public engagement areas. 7) Grants to support the teaching and learning of art history in schools include teachers’ continuing professional development, and formal and informal learning opportunities for students. Grants are open to members of the Association who may be: Academics, Students, Independent researchers, Teachers, Museum and gallery professionals, Artists.
Application deadline: 30/09/2023
Application link: https://forarthistory.org.uk/grants/
AAH - Association for Art History – Bursaries Not indicated
For doctoral students and early career researchers to attend our Annual Conference. These competitive bursary tickets are available to those who would benefit from attending our Annual Conference.
Application deadline: Details for the 2024 conference will be shared in due course.
Application link: https://forarthistory.org.uk/grants/
ACU - Association of Commonwealth Universities – Routledge/Round Table Commonwealth Studentships £5,500 (for each award)
Two Ph.D. studentships for research projects on Commonwealth-related themes. 1) One for students registered at UK universities; 2) One for students registered at ACU member universities in Commonwealth counties other than the UK (e.g., India, Canada, Pakistan, and Australia), and to Chevening and Commonwealth Scholarship alumni who are PhD students at any Commonwealth university outside the UK. Subject area: Applications are welcomed from a broad range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, but preference may be given to disciplines usually covered by the Round Table journal, including (but not exclusively) politics, international relations, economics, international history, geography, law, development studies, and area studies.
Application deadline: 28/07/2023
Application link: https://www.acu.ac.uk/funding-opportunities/for-students/fellowships/
AHRC – Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership) A full award, comprising a stipend to support living costs and fees up to the home rate.
Any prospective doctoral student wishing to study at a UK research organisation is eligible. On-course students: If you have already commenced doctoral study at one of the consortium institutions, you are eligible to apply for funding provided that, at the start of the AHRC award, you will have at least 50% of your period of study remaining. Underrepresented groups: A minimum of ten awards are available for Home fee status Black and Global Majority students. Your application will only be considered by the DTP if you have received an offer of admission from the university at which you wish to take up your studentship (i.e., Oxford). Subject area: 1) Histories, Cultures, and Heritage, 2) Creative and Performing Arts, 3) Languages and Literature.
Application deadline: 1) If you wish to apply for an Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP studentship at the University of Oxford, you must have applied for a place on your chosen research programme by the relevant January deadline (5 or 19 January 2024, depending on course). Some courses offer earlier deadlines in November and December, as well as the relevant January deadline. 2) If you are a current doctoral student at the University of Oxford who commenced their first year of study in October 2023 (full-time) or in October 2021, 2022 or 2023 (part-time), please email the Humanities Division Scholarships Officer at ahrcdtp@admin.ox.ac.uk by 15 December 2023
Application link: https://www.oocdtp.ac.uk/eligibility
AHRC – Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership) - Research Related Expenses Max. £2,000
Research-related expenses are covered by the Research Training Support Grant (RTSG), which is awarded on the basis of student need. It is a flexible fund that can be used to support a wide range of research activities, materials and other costs, as long as they are essential to the satisfactory completion of the doctoral thesis. For example, it can be used to support:1) study visits in the UK or overseas, e.g. for archival research, interviews, fieldwork;2) conference attendance in the UK or overseas, if presenting your doctoral research;3) other research costs or materials, e.g. digitised archival materials, books that are otherwise not readily accessible, costs associated with laboratory analysis.
Application deadline: 11 September 20236 November 202315 January 202411 March 202413 May 202415 July 2024
Application link: https://www.oocdtp.ac.uk/research-related-expenses
AHRC – Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership) - Support for skills training Not indicated on the website
Award holders are eligible to apply to the DTP for additional funding for individual skills training and development. It is a flexible fund that can be used to support needs-based training and development activity that is necessary for the satisfactory completion of the doctoral thesis. It can be used to support:1) the acquisition and development of language skills, whether through participation in a UK-based language centre course, or by an extended period overseas;2) significant new discipline-specific skills, e.g. palaeographical, papyrological, epigraphical;3) high-level methodological skills;4) fieldwork where skills are developed through practice;5) engagement activities with an external collaborator, if the purpose is researcher development rather than primary research.
Application deadline: 11 September 20236 November 202315 January 202411 March 202413 May 202415 July 2024
Application link: https://www.oocdtp.ac.uk/support-skills-training
AIIT - Ancient India and Iran Trust – Small grants to scholars wishing to come to Cambridge and use the Trust’s library. Successful applicants receive up to £250 per week up to a maximum of £500 towards their travel and accommodation costs.
In modern geographical terms our area of interest includes the countries of South Asia – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal – together with Afghanistan, Iran, parts of Central Asia and parts of South East Asia. Our primary focus is prehistory, archaeology, art history, linguistics and ancient languages, but this often extends to more modern topics and other disciplines.
Application deadline: Please submit your application at least two months before your proposed visit. Applications should be received by one of the following deadlines:15th February (for visits between August and October)15th May (for visits between November and March)15th October (for visits between April and July)
Application link: https://www.indiran.org/about/bursaries/
AIS - Association for Iranian Studies – Saidi-Sirjani Book Award Not indicated
It is granted biennially. Works qualifying for the prize will consist of (1) original studies or syntheses in the field of Iranian Studies, (2) critical editions of significant texts in Iranian Studies, and (3) translations from an Iranian language, accompanied by scholarly annotations and extensive research. The Award is primarily intended to be given to books published in English. Works on the pre-Islamic periods, works of fiction and poetry, and edited collections are excluded. To be considered for the Award, works should be of monograph length and published by a recognized publishing house.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://associationforiranianstudies.org/awards/saidiSirjani
AIS - Association for Iranian Studies – Conference to Journal Paper Award $300
The applicant must be a current AIS member and have a paper accepted to the conference of AIS. The applicant must be an advanced PhD student/candidate or an early career researcher (within 5 years since the award of the PhD). The paper needs to be an original unpublished work from any discipline on any topic within the field of Iranian Studies.
Application deadline: 01/05/2022
Application link: https://associationforiranianstudies.org/awards/conference-journal-paper-award
AIS - Association for Iranian Studies – Graduate Student Workshop/Research Award up to $1,000
It is a new graduate student workshop/research award. Interested students should submit a brief proposal; the requested amount of funding and an overall budget; as well as a letter confirming acceptance to a workshop or a comparable academic research venue for participation. Demonstrated financial need will be prioritized. A letter from an advisor is also required and should speak to the relevance of the workshop to the student’s research and financial need.
Application deadline: September 15th and February 15th
Application link: https://associationforiranianstudies.org/awards/graduate-student-research-award
AKPIA/Harvard University – Postdoctoral Fellowship/Associateship AKPIA Fellowships may be fully funded, partially funded, or awarded to applicants who have their own institutional funding. Harvard University requires Fellows to have $4,570 per month (minimum) for living expenses while in residence in Cambridge; AKPIA recommends that Fellows have at least $5,000 per month.
Subject area: advanced historical research in Islamic art, architecture, material culture, and archaeology at Harvard University. Basic requirements: Applicants must have a doctoral degree (PhD, DPhil, or equivalent). A solid command of written and spoken English is required. Fellows must remain in Cambridge for the duration of the appointment. Eligibility: We welcome applications both from senior scholars and from recent graduates. Ideally, research projects should be publishable in the annual journal of the Aga Khan Program, Muqarnas.
Application deadline: 15/03/2023
Application link: https://agakhan.fas.harvard.edu/fellowships-associateships
AKPIA@MIT – Postdoctoral Fellow in Islamic Architecture The fellowship award consists of stipend and travel expenses.
Subject area: The program is intended for young scholars with Ph.Ds in any field related to architecture and architectural history who are engaged in research on Islamic architecture defined in the broadest sense. Requirements: The fellowship duration can range from two to nine months (maximum of two semesters). Fellows are expected to give at least one public lecture during their stay at MIT and to participate in the program's scholarly and academic activities
Application deadline: The requirements are published in January; the application deadline is usually mid April.
Application link: https://akpia.mit.edu/post-doctoral-fellowships
ANAMED, Koç University – Regular Fellowships for PhD students, postdoctoral and senior researchers 1) A monthly stipend 2) Accommodation at ANAMED’s residential facility in the center of Beyoğlu, IstanbulResidential facilities consist of studio apartments that can accommodate a spouse/partner if necessary. 3) Five meals per week 4) Transportation to and from Türkiye 5) A modest research budget 6) Health insurance 7) Residence permit 8) Full access to the ANAMED Library 9) Full access to lectures, symposia, and other activities at ANAMED and on the main Koç University campus.
Who can apply? 1) Applications focusing on the archaeology, art history, heritage, and history of Anatolia from the Neolithic through the Ottoman eras are welcome from scholars of these and allied disciplines, including those that focus on the management, conservation, and presentation of the past. 2) PhD candidates who have completed the doctoral qualification stage and post-doctoral and senior scholars in relevant fields can apply for fellowships. 3) An applicant who has completed or expects to complete her/his PhD (including the defense, viva voce, and/or final public examination) before the fellowship term begins should apply for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship. In cases where the PhD degree is granted after the application has been submitted but before the fellowship term begins, the applicant is required to submit a copy of the doctoral diploma (and/or final transcript) to the Fellowship Coordinator before the fellowship term begins. If the applicant fails to complete the PhD before the fellowship term begins, the Post-Doctoral Fellowship will be cancelled.4) An applicant who has applied for and is awarded a PhD Fellowship and who successfully completes her/his PhD during the ANAMED fellowship year will be allowed to complete the full term of the fellowship but will not be eligible for an upgrade to a Post-Doctoral Fellowship. 5) Koç University PhD students are not eligible for ANAMED PhD Fellowships. Graduates of Koç University PhD programs, however, may apply for Post-Doctoral and/or Senior Fellowships. 6) Applicants may not apply for both Regular/Joint Fellowships and Short-Term Fellowships in the same year. 7) Applications from scholars of all nationalities are encouraged, yet fellows must be proficient in English, the language of instruction at Koç University. Requirement: Successful candidates are expected to reside in Istanbul for the nine-month academic year (September 15 – June 15) and spend one academic year at Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations.
Application deadline: 18/12/2023
Application link: https://anamed.ku.edu.tr/en/basic-research-supports/
ANAMED, Koç University – Joint Fellowship, BIAA – ANAMED Joint Fellowship in Heritage Studies The successful candidate will be resident in Istanbul for most of the time of the fellowship, but might spend up to two months elsewhere in Türkiye carrying out field work or on-site research relating to his or her cultural heritage projects. The BIAA-ANAMED fellow must visit the BIAA and give a public lecture in Ankara during the tenure of the fellowship, and is strongly encouraged to establish close relations with the BIAA. Some preference may be given to applicants whose heritage studies proposals relate to past or current British research projects in Türkiye or the Black Sea region.
The BIAA and ANAMED joint fellowship will support research in heritage studies, concerned with the understanding, promotion, and/or preservation of the historical and archaeological material culture of Türkiye and the Black Sea region with particular reference to specific sites, monuments, or regions. Successful applicants should have an MA or PhD qualification in museology, heritage management, conservation, or a related specialization, or have appropriate and comparable professional experience in these fields.One Post-Doctoral fellow or one half-year Senior fellowship (either 15 September – 31 January or 1 February – 15 June) for a Senior fellow will be awarded.
Application deadline: 18/12/2023
Application link: https://anamed.bukalemundijital.com/en/joint-research-supports/biaa-anamed-joint-fellowship-in-heritage-studies/
ANAMED, Koç University – Joint Fellowship, Max-Planck-Institute's Kunsthistorisches Institut (KHI) – ANAMED Joint Fellowship The fellowship offers a combination of benefits the details of which differ between Florence and Istanbul but that include a stipend to cover expenses not already included in the fellowship, international travel costs to and from both locations, accommodation or support for the same, meals or support for the same, health insurance or support for the same, a limited research budget, a work space, and full access to the research and library facilities, events, and scholarly communities hosted within both sponsoring institutions.
The Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut (KHI) and Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) are pleased to announce a joint fellowship to support Post-doctoral or Senior scholars conducting research on archaeology, architecture, art history, heritage, or history. The successful candidate will spend the fall semester at one institution, and the spring semester at the other. All candidates must be conversant in English and agree to take on no other obligation (e.g., part-time teaching) during any part of the fellowship term. The successful applicant will hold the fellowship for one academic year, with one term in residence in Florence and one term in residence at ANAMED in Istanbul, and must be able to carry out the proposed research with resources available in these cities.
Application deadline: 18/12/2023
Application link: https://anamed.bukalemundijital.com/en/joint-research-supports/max-planck-instituts-kunsthistorisches-institut-khi-anamed-joint-fellowship/
ANAMED, Koç University – Joint Fellowship, İAE (The Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation İstanbul Research Institute) – ANAMED Joint Fellowship The fellowship offers benefits include a monthly stipend to cover expenses not already included in the fellowship, international travel costs to and from Turkey, accommodation at ANAMED, five meals per week or support for the same, health insurance, a modest research budget, a workspace, and full access to the research and library facilities, events, and scholarly communities within both sponsoring institutions.
A new joint fellowship to support one post-doctoral scholar conducting research on the archaeology, architecture, art history, heritage, or history of Istanbul. The fellowship will support advanced research on the archaeology, architecture, art history, heritage, or history of Istanbul from prehistory through the 20th century that benefits from residence in Istanbul and the facilities of both the İAE and ANAMED. All candidates must be conversant in English and agree to take on no other obligation (e.g., part-time teaching) during the fellowship term. The successful applicant will hold the fellowship for the fall term of the 2023-2024 academic year in residence at ANAMED in Istanbul and must be able to carry out the proposed research with resources available in both institutions and thus in Turkey.
Application deadline: 18/12/2023
Application link: https://anamed.bukalemundijital.com/en/joint-research-supports/iae-anamed-joint-fellowship/
ANAMED, Koç University – Program Fellowships A monthly stipend calculated by Koç University each year to cover most local expenses not covered by the fellowshipAccommodation at ANAMED’s residential facility in the center of Beyoğlu, Istanbul. Residential facilities consist of studio apartments that can accommodate a spouse/partner if necessary. Meals. Transportation to and from Türkiye. Full access to the ANAMED Library.
Program Fellowships are available to advanced PhD students, post-doctoral and senior applicants, who will give seminars and prepare content for the ANAMED Programs for durations between 2 weeks and 2 months. Researchers who will apply for these specific fellowships are advised to carefully examine the scope of the different programs that ANAMED has. Program Fellowships provide accommodation at ANAMED, meals and a modest stipend.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://anamed.bukalemundijital.com/en/program-research-supports/#1664189984148-37dad196-124e8a5b-4775
ANAMED, Koç University – Short-Term Fellowships Fellowships provide accommodation at ANAMED, five meals a week, and a modest stipend.
Short-Term Fellowships are available to post-doctoral and senior applicants for intensive collaborative research opportunities for durations between 2 weeks and 2 months. These fellowships are open to individuals or groups of 2–4 people and are intended to provide support for ongoing projects, such as finalizing a publication or conducting intensive material analysis or conservation-restoration projects. Collaborative fellowships with Koç University faculty, centers, and facilities are preferred. In such cases, applicants must demonstrate previously established connections in the project description, and collaborating Koç University faculty must supply a reference letter as part of the application.
Application deadline: Not available for the academic year 2023 - 2024.
Application link: https://anamed.bukalemundijital.com/en/short-term-research-support/
BA - British Academy – Postdoctoral Fellowships The scheme is covered under the Full Economic Costing (FEC) regime. Currently, the Academy funds 80% of salary costs, directly allocated and indirect costs under FEC. The Fellowship is tenable for three years, starting Autumn 2024 in a UK-based university or higher education institution.
A three year award made to an annual cohort of outstanding early career researchers in the humanities or social sciences wishing to pursue an independent research project, towards the completion of a significant piece of publishable research. Applicants must be of Early Career Status, meaning they must apply within three years from the date of their successful viva voce examination. Suitable institutions include any UK university or recognised research organisation based in the UK. British citizens and any nationals from the EEA are eligible, regardless of where their doctorate was obtained. Anyone of any nationality who has a doctorate from a UK university is eligible.
Application deadline: 4 October 2023 (17:00 BST)
Application link: https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/stein-arnold-exploration-fund/
Barakat Trust – A1. Barakat International Studentship up to £25,000
One scholarship of up to £25,000 to a Muslim student from the Islamic world who has already been accepted on a taught Masters courses in a subject relevant to the history of Islamic art and architecture and/or the study of Islamic archaeology, material culture and/or heritage. Students MUST demonstrate a clear focus on at least one of the above subjects in order to be considered for this award. Prospective applicants who are unsure about the relevance of their proposed course of study are strongly advised to contact the Barakat Trust before applying.Applicants must provide evidence of acceptance before any award can be made.Notes on Finances: The grant may be spent on fees or living expenses or a combination of both. Where a student has been accepted on a two-year course, the grant may be awarded or renewed for the second year of the course, on the condition that the student demonstrates outstanding performance during the first year of the course.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – A2. Barakat Postgraduate Student & Early Career Award an upper limit of £1,500
Postgraduate students, early career professionals, and early career scholars who were awarded a doctorate after 30 June 2018, may apply for grants with an upper limit of £1,500 towards the costs of travel for fieldwork, research and study relating to:the history of the art, architecture and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE;the archaeological investigation of Islamic world;the conservation of artefacts, buildings and material culture produced in or for the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE;libraries, museums and other public institutions exhibiting the art and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE;education and training associated with (1) to (4) above;conferences, exhibitions and publications associated with (1) to (4) above.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – A3. Barakat Major Awards (Including Digital Projects, Conservation, and Conservation Training ) an upper limit of £10,000
Established scholars attached to research institutions, curators, and heritage professionals may apply for awards with an upper limit of £10,000 for fieldwork, research, study, exhibitions, conservation and documentation projects, and training of professionals in fields associated with history, heritage, conservation and archaeology relating to:1) History of the art, architecture, and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE2) Archaeological investigation of the Islamic world.Please note: Awards for archaeology projects are normally awarded for a) the first year of an archaeological project, as a start-up grant, or b) for a clearly-defined component or sub-project within a larger archaeological investigation. The Trust will not normally support the same archaeological project for a number of consecutive seasons.”3) Conservation of artefacts, buildings and material culture produced in or for the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE4) Digital and Digitisation Projects that focus on disseminating or making the heritage and material culture of the Islamic world more accessible to various audiences. For example, this can include broader types of digital content such as video recordings of crafting or conservation processes.5) Exhibitions in libraries, museums, and other public institutions to present the art and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE6) Education and Training associated with the points 1 to 57) Dissemination of Knowledge through conferences, exhibitions and publications associated with points 1 to 5For this grant category (A3), scholars are normally expected to be attached to research institutions, including but not restricted to universities, museums, and libraries.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – A4. Barakat Publication Grants an upper limit of £6,000
Grants with an upper limit of £6,000 towards the costs of a major publication on the history of the art, architecture and material culture of the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE, the archaeological investigation of Islamic world, and the conservation of artefacts, buildings and material culture produced in or for the Islamic world before circa 1920 CE.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – B1. Barakat Senior Scholar £10,000
One visiting scholarship of £10,000 to enable an established Muslim scholar to reside in Oxford for three months to carry out a specific programme of research and to deliver a lecture on their research.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – B2. Barakat Postdoctoral Scholarship £20,000
The Barakat Postdoctoral Scholarship provides a grant of £20,000 to enable a Muslim post-doctoral scholar, who was awarded a doctorate after 30 June 2018, to reside in Oxford for nine months (normally October to June) to carry out a specific programme of research on Islamic art and/or architecture, or to prepare such research for publication.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – B3. Barakat Oxford Masters Studentship one year’s fees
One studentship to cover one year’s fees for a Muslim student already accepted by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the University of Oxford to read for an MSt or MPhil in Islamic Art and Architecture. Renewal for the second year of the MPhil may be granted to candidates who perform well in the qualifying examination, but the grant may not be extended to cover doctoral studies.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
Barakat Trust – C1. Hands on Islamic Art grants of £8,000 plus in-kind support
This category will offer grants of £8,000 plus in-kind support for projects in the United Kingdom (UK) that use collections of Islamic art in the UK to foster greater understanding about the cultures of the Islamic world, and involve a significant element of public engagement, ideally as part of the process of making collections more accessible. The grant will be open to UK institutions with collections of Islamic art and material culture. We are particularly interested in understudied collections.
Application deadline: midnight GMT on the 31st of March 2024
Application link: https://barakat.org/grants/type-of-grants/
BIAA - British Institute at Ankara – Research Project Funding up to £10,000
Support is intended for primary Directors of large-scale research projects that address one or more of the Institute’s current Strategic Research Initiatives. Proposals may relate to all historical periods up to and including contemporary Türkiye. Applicants should be leaders of large-scale research projects in any field of the arts, humanities and the social sciences taking place in Türkiye and/or the Black Sea region. Applicants must be affiliated to a UK Higher Education Institution. In accordance with British Academy regulations, applicants may not apply for funding to both the British Academy and the British Institute at Ankara.
Application deadline: A call for applications relating to projects requiring a permit from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism is announced in September.
Application link: https://biaa.ac.uk/grants-opportunities/research-project-funding/
BIAA - British Institute at Ankara – Research Grants up to £5,000 per year
Support is intended for researchers wishing to operate within the Strategic Research Initiatives currently sponsored by the Institute. Proposals may relate to all historical periods up to and including contemporary Türkiye. The BIAA is especially interested in supporting projects that employ comparative and cross-disciplinary approaches, as well as those that seek to establish collaborations with other institutions with a view to generating larger overall project funding. Organisers of potentially diverse and collaborative projects should identify the main strand of their investigation and the main research questions for which BIAA funding is being sought. Advanced research at postdoctoral to senior academic level in the fields of the arts, humanities and the social sciences that is related to and/or undertaken in Türkiye and/or the Black Sea region is eligible. Applicants must be linked to a UK Higher Education Institution. In accordance with British Academy regulations, applicants may not apply for funding to both the British Academy and the British Institute at Ankara.
Application deadline: Call for applications usually announced in September.
Application link: https://biaa.ac.uk/grants-opportunities/research-project-funding/
BIAA - British Institute at Ankara – Study Grants up to £2,000
For fieldwork or other research in Türkiye and the Black Sea Region in the fields of the arts, humanities and the social sciences. Projects should fit within one of the Strategic Research Initiatives currently sponsored by the Institute. Applicants must be linked to a UK Higher Education Institution. In accordance with British Academy regulations, applicants may not make applications for funding to both the British Academy and the British Institute at Ankara.
Application deadline: Call for applications usually announced in September.
Application link: https://biaa.ac.uk/grants-opportunities/research-project-funding/
BIAA - British Institute at Ankara – British Academy-sponsored research hosted at the BIAA See the link.
As one of the British International Research Institutes (BIRI), the BIAA is able to act as a hosting institution for British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships, Mid-Career Fellowships and Senior Research Fellowships. Applicants may include time spent at a BIRI institution.
Application deadline: See the link.
Application link: http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding-opportunities
BILNAS - British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies (formerly the Society for Libyan Studies) – Flagship Research Grants up to £20,000
Open to postdoctoral scholars at any career stage and who are ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. Joint applications may be made. It supports research activities ranging from excavations to workshops, training, outreach and conferences in a wide range of fields including archaeology, history, geography, the natural sciences and linguistics in Libya and the Northern African region (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, Mali, Chad, Sudan).
Application deadline: 25 August 2023 (11.59pm BST)
Application link: https://www.bilnas.org/research-activity/bilnas-grants/
BILNAS - British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies (formerly the Society for Libyan Studies) – Project Grants a number of grants, up to £8,000
Research Grants are open to post-doctoral scholars who are ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. Joint applications may be made. These grants may be used to undertake pilot work to establish the feasibility of a larger project (typically under £3,500) or to support larger research projects, including those that involve a group of researchers and/or projects that are planned to continue for more than one year. Research may take place in Northern African countries within the remit of BILNAS or be UK-based, depending on its nature. Grant applications may form a contribution to a larger project fund, in which case it should be clear which element is being funded.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.bilnas.org/research-activity/bilnas-grants/
BILNAS - British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies (formerly the Society for Libyan Studies) – Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship Awards up to £8,000
It supports the writing-up of already completed research on Northern Africa in the humanities and social sciences. Disciplines include, but are not limited to: anthropology, archaeology, art history, education, geography, the natural and social sciences, literature, linguistics and political science. The awards are explicitly intended to support early career scholars ordinarily resident in the UK (within eight years of completion of their PhD) who have not yet been appointed to a permanent academic post, and who frequently lack the time and resources they need to publish their work. The research/fieldwork that forms the basis of the writing project is expected to be completed at the time of application. Publication should be in the form of a major journal article or a significant portion of a monograph, or a combination of these.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.bilnas.org/research-activity/bilnas-grants/
BILNAS - British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies (formerly the Society for Libyan Studies) – Travel Grants up to £1,500
PhD students, academics and researchers undertaking reconnaissance tours or smaller research projects in Northern Africa, who are ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom or registered for a doctoral degree at a UK university.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.bilnas.org/research-activity/bilnas-grants/
BILNAS - British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies (formerly the Society for Libyan Studies) – Celia Hensman Grants up to £1,000
They are open to students currently enrolled on an undergraduate or postgraduate programme (Bachelors, Masters, and PhD) at any higher education institution in the United Kingdom. Applicants may be of any nationality but must be resident in the UK and have a UK bank account. What can be funded: 1) travel and subsistence to attend projects/programmes in Northern Africa, 2) fees to participate in projects/programmes, 3) essential charges made by local government agencies (e.g. visa costs).
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.bilnas.org/research-activity/bilnas-grants/
BIPS - British Institute of Persian Studies – Research Grants Not indicated, but research grants range in size from £1,200 to £5,000.
BIPS supports UK-based post-doctoral researchers and UK-based students through the award of research and travel grants to carry out humanities and social science research into the Persianate world, particularly Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Iraq, the Persian Gulf littoral and South Asia. Subject areas include, but are not limited to: Art, Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, Cultural Studies, History, Language, Literature, Politics, Religious Studies, and Sociology. Research Grants can be used for a range of purposes including fieldwork, archival research and to support the organisation of conferences or workshops, where there is an intended academic publication output. Eligibility: Applicants for all grants must be affiliated to a UK Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). BIPS cannot fund travel to any destinations when the FCDO advise against travel. All applications involving travel must be accompanied with a risk assessment. To qualify for a Research or Research Assistant Grant, applicants must have been awarded a PhD. Research and Research Assistant applicants must also seek permission from their HEI to receive a BIPS grant before applying. This should include performing a risk assessment. At the time of commencing their grant project, successful applicants must be members of BIPS.
Application deadline: Currently closed. BIPS usually invites grant applications twice a year.
Application link: https://www.bips.ac.uk/apply-for-grants/
BIPS - British Institute of Persian Studies – Research Assistant Grant Up to £5,000
Research Assistant Grants may be used by a UK research institution to employ short-term doctoral or post-doctoral research assistants. This initiative may assist early career researchers in starting a research project or established academics to finalise a research output. Interdisciplinary and collaborative projects are encouraged. Applicants (in the position of Principal Investigator) must be able to supervise the research assistant with the permission of their home institution. Research Assistant grants may only be used to cover directly incurred salary costs. This is usually an hourly rate and must be paid through the host institution, not BIPS.
Application deadline: Currently closed. BIPS usually invites grant applications twice a year.
Application link: https://www.bips.ac.uk/apply-for-grants/
BIPS - British Institute of Persian Studies – Travel Grants a maximum of £1,200
To qualify for a travel grant, applicants must be currently enrolled as a student (undergraduate or post-graduate, including doctoral candidates) at a UK HEI. All applicants will be asked to undergo and supply to BIPS a risk assessment from their university, if they are travelling outside the UK, before funds are transferred.
Application deadline: Currently closed. BIPS usually invites grant applications twice a year.
Application link: https://www.bips.ac.uk/apply-for-grants/
BISI- British Institute for the Study of Iraq – University and Museum Engagement Grants Up to a total of £500
BISI works to advance research and public education about Iraq in all of the arts, humanities and social sciences subjects, and enables exchange and collaboration between UK and Iraqi academics. BISI offers grants to support public or academic engagement events that focus on the lands and peoples of Iraq. Topics may cover any time period from prehistory to the present. In addition, a number of grants will be made available to support travel to university students to deliver papers at specific academic conferences. BISI can only fund direct costs such as equipment, travel expenses. Applicants should normally be employed by, or have an official connection (e.g. registered student) with, a UK Higher Education Institution or heritage organization (e.g. museum, library, archive, heritage site). Proof of the applicant’s affiliation may be requested.
Application deadline: 1 April1 October
Application link: https://www.bisi.ac.uk/grants-scholarships/bisi-university-and-museum-engagement-grants/
BISI- British Institute for the Study of Iraq – Research and Conference Grants up to a total of £6,000
BISI provides funding to support research and conferences that focus principally on the lands and peoples of Iraq. We welcome applications from the full range of arts, humanities and social sciences subjects, and topics may cover any time period from prehistory to the medieval period to the present. Be employed by, or have an official connection with, a UK Higher Education Institution.
Application deadline: 01/04/2023
Application link: https://www.bisi.ac.uk/grants-scholarships/bisi-research-and-conference-grants/
BISI- British Institute for the Study of Iraq – Pilot Project Grants up to a total of £10,000
BISI’s pilot project grant scheme is designed to support a short period of preliminary research – up to one year – that has the potential to grow into a longer-term, larger-scale project supported by a Research Council or other large funding body. Only one project annually will be funded under this scheme.
Application deadline: 01/04/2023
Application link: https://www.bisi.ac.uk/grants-scholarships/bisi-pilot-projects-grants/
Bodleian - Bahari Fellowships – Bahari Visiting Fellowship in the Persian Arts of the Book up to £2,200 per month
Bodleian Visiting Fellowships in Special Collections are awarded to promote research based on archival, manuscript, and printed books collections of the Bodleian Libraries. This fellowship supports research using the Bodleian's Persian and Islamic Collections. Scholarship pursued within the fellowship research projects generates publications and may also be formally and informally disseminated through talks and presentations. Eligibility and selection criteria: Applications are welcome from both affiliated and independent scholars pursuing academic research at any postdoctoral level. Applicants who are current doctoral students should note that:you must have submitted your thesis before the deadline for Visiting Fellowships applicationsyou must have been awarded the doctorate before taking up the fellowshipApplications are welcome from those pursuing research while employed in a library, museum, archive, or other collection-holding institution.On occasion, fellowship opportunities are offered for musical or artistic residencies. These are clearly signposted.In most cases, priority will be given to candidates residing outside of Oxford and to applicants who have not recently completed an Oxford degree.In every case, the selection committee will consider:the demonstrated need to consult specific items or collections within the Bodleian Libraries' special collections;the potential of the candidate to contribute to the research culture of the libraries and the University, and especially the potential for future research collaboration with the Bodleian Libraries; andthe benefits of the award within the invited fellow’s research career.Certain named fellowships are offered to researchers in particular professions or scholars from particular geographic areas. Please consult the descriptions of named fellowships.
Application deadline: No deadline
Application link: https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/csb/fellowships/bodleian-visiting-fellowships
BRISMES - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies – Conference Student Paper Prize £300
The aim of this prize is to support BRISMES student members in the development of peer-reviewed work. The prize winner will receive £300 and will be mentored through a review process at the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (BJMES) by a senior member of the BRISMES academic community. Such a mentor will be identified on the basis of the disciplinary field and topic of the awarded conference paper. In addition, the desk review process will be skipped and the journal will commit to sending the paper directly to external reviewers for the final decision about publication. Eligibility: 1) The applicant must be a BRISMES student member by the time the application is submitted. 2) The applicant must have registered for the Annual Conference. 3) The paper must be on the same topic on which the applicant is presenting at the Annual Conference. 4) The paper needs to be an original unpublished work from any discipline on any topic related to the study of Middle East and North Africa. 5) The only selection criteria is academic excellence.
Application deadline: Previous deadline: 5pm on Monday, 24 July 2023
Application link: https://www.brismes.ac.uk/awards/brismes-conference-student-paper-prize
BRISMES - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies – Early Career Development Scholarship Two awards of £3,000
The aim of the BRISMES Early Career Development Scholarship is to support activities geared toward strengthening the academic profile and CV of an early career scholar. Two awards of £3,000 each are available. Eligible activities include (but are not necessarily limited to):Developing an article for a peer-reviewed journalDeveloping a book chapterTransforming a PhD thesis into a book manuscriptDeveloping pilot research for a new projectPreparing a grant proposal for their own postdoctoral workThe activity must be completed within 12 months of receipt of the scholarship.
Application deadline: Currently closed
Application link: https://www.brismes.ac.uk/awards/ecds
BRISMES - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies – Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize The current value of the prize is £600 for the winner and £250 for the runner up.
The prize is awarded annually to the writer of the best PhD dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities awarded by a British University in the previous year. Any student who has submitted their PhD dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities to a British University between 1 January and 30 September 2023 is eligible to apply. If you are submitting your thesis after the deadline in 2023, you will be eligible for the following year’s prize.We recommend that submissions for this prize are made after completion of your viva in order to benefit from feedback from the viva panel, but applicants can make a submission before the viva if they wish. Please note that you can only submit your PhD dissertation once for this prize.
Application deadline: Midnight on 1 November 2023
Application link: https://www.brismes.ac.uk/awards/ldmp
CAA - College Art Association – Professional Development Fellowship in Art History One fellowship will be awarded in the amount of $10,000.
Applicants who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States and from underrepresented groups. CAA's Professional Development Fellowship in Art History supports graduate students and scholars in art, architecture, and/or design historians, curators, or critics who recently received their PhD and are preparing the PhD for publication or who are conducting research in their final year to complete their PhD. The awards will be given to multicultural art historians and art historians from underrepresented groups and from culturally diverse communities. Each fellow is given a one-time award to help with various aspects of their work, whether for job-search expenses, image license fees, or other publishing costs. Fellows also receive a free one-year CAA membership and complimentary registration to the next Annual Conference. Honorable Mentions, given at the discretion of the jury, receive a free one-year CAA membership and complimentary registration for the next Annual Conference.
Application deadline: 01/11/2015
Application link: https://www.collegeart.org/programs/fellowships-and-scholarships/professional-development-fellowship-art-history
CAORC - Council of American Overseas Research Centers – Multi-Country Research Fellowship Twelve awards of $12,600 each will be granted. An additional $1,000 toward travel expenses.
Applicants must be US citizens and conduct research in countries across the network of Overseas Research Centers as well as other countries, including Egypt, Greece, India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Jerusalem, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cyprus and others. The fellowship supports advanced research in the humanities, social sciences, and allied natural sciences for US doctoral candidates, who are ‘all but dissertation,’ and scholars who have earned their PhD or a terminal degree. Preference will be given to candidates examining comparative and/or cross-regional research. Applicants are eligible to apply as individuals or as teams.
Application deadline: Application Deadline: December 6, 2023 at 5:00pm ET. Recommendation Letter Deadline: December 13, 2023 at 5:00pm ET.
CAORC - Council of American Overseas Research Centers – CAORC - NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Research Fellowship Approximately four awards will be granted and fellowship stipends are $5,000 per month for four to six consecutive months.
For scholars to spend significant time in one country with an Overseas Research Center as a base. The fellowship supports advanced research in the humanities for scholars who hold a PhD or a terminal degree. Applicants must be US citizens or foreign national scholars who have been resident in the US for at least three years.
Application deadline: Application Deadline: January 24, 2024 at 5:00pm ET
Application link: https://www.caorc.org/neh-fellowship-guidelines
CAORC - Council of American Overseas Research Centers – Other fellowships, grants, and language and cultural programs provided by the member centres of CAORC. They offer a wide range of opportunities specific to the countries they are established in. See the link.
See the link.
Application deadline: See the link.
Application link: https://www.caorc.org/orc-fellowships-grants
CBRL - Council for British Research in the Levant – CBRL Andrea Zerbini Awards up to £4,000. Two awards are available in 2023/24.
Registered doctoral students (up to a maximum of 12 years since the completion of their Master’s degree) at EU and UK Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to travel to the countries of the Levant (Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria). Research fields: Ancient History; Landscape Archaeology; New Technologies/GIS Applications in Archaeology; Aerial Archaeology; Migration and Migrant Identities in the Near East from Antiquity to the Middle Ages; Protecting the Past.
Application deadline: 31 October 2023 – 5 pm UK time
Application link: https://cbrl.ac.uk/news/cbrl-andrea-zerbini-awards-2023-24/
CBRL - Council for British Research in the Levant – Project grants up to £10,000
Post-doctoral staff at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEI) or research organisations. The research themes they fund: 1) Heritage - 'Understanding the past … and its present impacts', 2) States, societies and cultures of the Levant, 3) Cities and urbanisation, 4) Refugees, migration, displacement, and diasporas, 5) Challenges of sustainability and resilience.
Application deadline: 10 March 2023 – 5.00 pm GMT
Application link: https://cbrl.ac.uk/news/2023-24-cbrl-open-call-grant/
CBRL - Council for British Research in the Levant – Residential fellowships Not indicated. For details, see https://cbrl.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/CBRL-grants-2023-24-Guidan...
Residential fellowships at CBRL’s Jerusalem and/or Amman institutes, up to 3 months of accommodation, plus travel and subsistence costs. Post-doctoral staff in UK HEI and research organisations and staff based in a Levant university within ten years of graduating with a PhD from a UK university.
Application deadline: 10 March 2023 – 5.00 pm GMT
Application link: https://cbrl.ac.uk/news/2023-24-cbrl-open-call-grant/
CBRL - Council for British Research in the Levant – Travel grants up to £1,200
Post-graduates registered at a UK HEI.
Application deadline: 10 March 2023 – 5.00 pm GMT
Application link: https://cbrl.ac.uk/news/2023-24-cbrl-open-call-grant/
CBRL - Council for British Research in the Levant – Research support grants up to £1,200
For selected costs associated with research for a post-graduate thesis. Post-graduates registered at a Levant HEI.
Application deadline: 10 March 2023 – 5.00 pm GMT
Application link: https://cbrl.ac.uk/news/2023-24-cbrl-open-call-grant/
CIEPO - Comité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (International Committee for Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies) – CIEPO Article Prize The prize is awarded once every two years and carries a cash prize of €1000.
This prize will be awarded for the best original article in a field of pre-Ottoman and/or Ottoman studies, written and publishedby a young scholar.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://ciepowebsite.univie.ac.at/?page_id=82
EES - Egypt Exploration Society – Research Grants The total funds available in 2023-24 is £5,000. The EES would normally expect to support 1-2 projects in each round of this scheme.
The Egypt Exploration Society, the leading UK organisation supporting and promoting Egyptian cultural heritage today, invites applications for grants to support EES-Affiliated Projects. The Society welcomes applications to support archaeological fieldwork, museum/archive-based research, publication/dissemination or engagement activities.
Application deadline: 17:00 (GMT) on Friday 17 November 2023
Application link: https://www.ees.ac.uk/research-grants
EfGW Funds for Women Graduates – Foundation Grant up to £6,500
Foundation Grants are designed to help women graduates in the final year of a PhD or DPhil with their living expenses. We do not provide funds to cover fees. To be eligible you must be registered for study or research at an approved institution of higher education in Great Britain and doing the bulk of your study in Great Britain.
Application deadline: 26/03/2024
Application link: https://www.ffwg.org.uk/grants-bursaries-fellowships/
EfGW Funds for Women Graduates – International Fellowship every three years for £6,000
The award is aimed at post first year PhD students studying at a British university but from any country. The topic is not stipulated but is usually deemed of merit if it falls within the aims and objectives of GWI and the British Federation of University Women. This included Empowering women and girls through lifelong education and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
Application deadline: 15/12/2025
Application link: https://www.ffwg.org.uk/grants-bursaries-fellowships/
EfGW Funds for Women Graduates – Emergency Grant up to £2,500
Emergency Grants provide support for graduate women who face an unforeseen financial crisis whilst engaged in study or research at an approved institution of higher education in Great Britain.
Application deadline: 10/01/2024
Application link: https://www.ffwg.org.uk/grants-bursaries-fellowships/
EHG - Ernst Herzfeld Society for Studies in Islamic Art and Archaeology – Ernst Herzfeld Award for Master Theses in Islamic Art History and Archaeology See the notes.
The aim of the annual award is to encourage and support emerging scholars in Europe who are working on visual and material culture of Islamic countries in the fields of Art History, Archaeology, and Historical Building Research. The successful candidate is honoured at the annual colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society (first weekend of July), offered a full travel grant to present her/his master thesis at the colloquium, and is granted publication of the presented paper in the series of the Society, Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie (BIKA).
Application deadline: 13/11/2023
Application link: https://ernst-herzfeld-gesellschaft.com/en/ernst-herzfeld-award/
Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge – Postdoctoral researchers for early career fellowships Not indicated
Tthe Museum is keen to invite enquiries from potential applicants for a range of funded postdoctoral programmes, including but not limited to the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships, Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships. Research interests: 1) The Legacies of Enslavement and Empire, 2) Ownership and collections histories, 3) Research drawing upon the Middle Eastern, South and East Asian collections, or that provides new perspectives on British and European art, 4) The integration of heritage science and digital methodologies to provide new perspectives on collections, and the cultures and artists they represent, 5) Museums, people and communities research focusing on the what, how and why of museum engagement and programming with a particular focus on learning and health and wellbeing.
Application deadline: Not indicated. We very much welcome early discussions with researchers who are interested in this opportunity.
Application link: https://fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/research/opportunities/inviting-expressions-of-interest-from-postdoctoral-researchers-for-early-career-fellowships
Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge – James Marrow Research Travel Fund Up to three awards will be made in 2023. Each award will be for up to £600.
Its purpose is to provide financial assistance for students and independent scholars who need to travel to the Fitzwilliam Museum in order to undertake short term research on illuminated manuscripts preserved in its Department of Manuscripts and Printed Books. The award can be used to cover or contribute to travel to and from Cambridge and/or accommodation in Cambridge. Applicants must be independent scholars or graduate students at an advanced stage of their research. Applicants of any nationality, pursuing research in any country may apply.
Application deadline: 31/05/2023
Application link: https://fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/research/opportunities/the-james-marrow-research-travel-fund
Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge – Theodora Bosanquet Bursary Accommodation for up to 4 weeks in London
It is offered annually to female postgraduate students whose research is in History or English Literature and who require a short residence in London in the summer. It provides accommodation (only) for up to 4 weeks between mid-June and mid-September. Women postgraduate students, of any age, from Great Britain and overseas are eligible to apply.
Application deadline: 31/10/2023
Application link: https://www.ffwg.org.uk/grants-bursaries-fellowships/
Foundation Max van Berchem – Max van Berchem Foundation Grant Not indicated
The Foundation promotes the study of Islamic and Arabic archaeology, history, geography, art history, epigraphy, religion and literature, awards grants for research carried out in these areas by scholars who have already received their doctorate.
Application deadline: March 31, 2023
Application link: https://maxvanberchem.org/en/grant-applications
Gerda Henkel Stiftung – PhD scholarships each year about 50 scholarships, 1,600 euros each, with other benefits
Subject areas: Archaeology, History of Art, Historical Islamic Studies, History, History of Science, History of Law, Prehistory and Early History. The funding period is up to two years. Only applicants who are not older than 28 years at the time of concluding their master studies may be included in the selection process. The overall master grade awarded must be at least 1.5 or above in Germany (comparable with grade A in other countries). They don't cover tuition fees or fund PhD projects for a duration of less than 12 months.
Application deadline: No deadline
Application link: https://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/en/phd-scholarships
Getty – Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships Not indicated
These fellowships advance the understanding of art history by enabling early-career scholars from around the world to develop substantial and original contributions to the field, including in technical and digital art history. Ten fellows are selected each year with the assistance of an advisory committee. The program welcomes research approaches that highlight voices, narratives, and geographical regions that have been historically excluded and under-studied in the academy. At the end of each academic year, the fellows receive support to travel to the Getty Center for a multi-day research residency and seminar.
Application deadline: In 2023, we are taking a year-long break from accepting applications.
Application link: https://www.getty.edu/projects/getty-acls-postdoctoral-fellowships/
Getty – Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships $30,000 or $35,000.
Supporting early-career scholars from around the world to make substantial and original contributions to the field of art history. Applications for Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships are welcome from researchers of all nationalities who work in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for emerging researchers to complete work on projects related to the Scholars Program’s annual theme or African American Art History Initiative (AAAHI). Selected projects have spanned geographical regions and time periods, from ancient to contemporary eras. The three main categories of grants are: 1) Scholar Grants for established researchers and professionals who have held PhDs for at least 5 years and/or possess strong records of publication and professional activity, at the Getty Center or Getty Villa. 2) Postdoctoral Fellowships for recently granted PhDs at the Getty Center or Getty Villa. 3) Predoctoral Fellowships for PhD candidates at the Getty Center. 2024-25 annual themes: 1) Extinction 2) African American Art History Initiative 3) Anatolia: The Classical World in Context.
Application deadline: October 2, 2023
Application link: https://www.getty.edu/projects/pre-and-postdoctoral-fellowships/
Gibb Memorial Trust – Gibb Centenary Scholarship up to £2,000
Available to any doctoral research student in any area of Middle Eastern Studies (7th century to 1918) at a British university, with preference given to students at an advanced stage of their research, working with materials in Arabic, Persian or Turkish, and with an established financial need.
Application deadline: 01/04/2023
Application link: https://www.gibbtrust.org/scholarships/
Gibb Memorial Trust – A. H. Morton Scholarship for Doctoral Research in Classical Persian Studies for a maximum of £3,000
The award can be applied to any year up to the final completion of a course of doctoral study at a British university, including for an approved period of study abroad; it will be paid at the start of the academic year in question, up to the submission of the dissertation. The award is open to all students undertaking doctoral research at a British university in the field of classical Persian studies, loosely defined to embrace Persian literature and history of the pre-modern era but not excluding other areas of study.
Application deadline: 01/04/2023
Application link: https://www.gibbtrust.org/scholarships/
HIAA - Historians of Islamic Art Association – Grabar Travel Grant The maximum amount of the award is $1000 US.
This competition is open to graduate students (doctoral candidates) who have been invited or accepted as participants in a scholarly conference or other professional meeting for the purpose of presenting papers, chairing sessions or moderating discussions.
Application deadline: Two deadlines each year (August 15 and December 15)
Application link: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/opportunities/hiaa-prizes/grabar-grants-and-fellowships/
HIAA - Historians of Islamic Art Association – Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship up to $2000 US per month, for a maximum of two months. An additional $1000 may be requested for travel or for supplies.
The Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship is intended to support post-doctoral scholars at early stage of their careers in advancing their research. Fellowship funds may be used in one of two ways:1) To spend up to two months in residence as a visiting professor or fellow/research scholar at a university, museum, research institute or similar institution outside their usual country of residence or employment. 2) To support additional research to aid in preparing the dissertation for publication. Applicants should have completed their PhD within the last five years or have submitted their dissertations by the start of the fellowship. The fellowship is open to scholars of all nationalities.
Application deadline: 15/12/2024
Application link: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/opportunities/hiaa-prizes/grabar-grants-and-fellowships/
HIAA - Historians of Islamic Art Association – Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize in Islamic Art and Culture an award of $500 and the winning essay will be considered for publication by the Muqarnas Editorial Board.
For the best unpublished essay written by a junior scholar (pre-dissertation graduate student to three years after the Ph.D. degree) on any aspect of Islamic visual culture. This competition is open to HIAA members only.
Application deadline: 01/12/2015
Application link: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/opportunities/hiaa-prizes/the-margaret-evenko-prize-in-islamic-art-and-culture
Humboldt Stiftung – Humboldt Research Fellowship The monthly fellowship amount is €2,670.
Postdoctoral researchers, regardless of their field, from all countries (excluding Germany). Research for 6 to 24 months in Germany.
Application deadline: The Selection Committee responsible for reviewing applications to this programme meets every March, July and November.
Application link: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/humboldt-research-fellowship
Humboldt Stiftung – Humboldt Yale History Network Travel Grant up to 10 short-term research grants of between $1,000 and $4,000
It supports travel (for up to three months) to or within Europe for research on topics in the following areas: European history, Middle Eastern history, global early modern history, the history of empires, and environmental history. We encourage applications for projects that cut across geographies, chronologies, and methods. Priority will be given to those seeking support to visit archives and libraries to further their original research in the stated fields.
Application deadline: August 1
Application link: https://avh.yale.edu/news/humboldt-yale-history-network-travel-grants-announced
ICMA - International Center of Medieval Art – ICMA-Kress Research and Publication Grants $3,500
The mission of the International Center of Medieval Art is to promote and support the study, understanding, and preservation of visual and material cultures produced primarily between ca. 300 CE and ca. 1500 CE in every corner of the medieval world. Open to scholars who are ICMA members at any stage past the PhD. If travel is a facet of your application, please include an itinerary and be specific about costs for all anticipated expenses (travel, lodging, per diem, and other details). If you aim to inspect extremely rare materials or sites with restricted access, please be as clear as possible about prior experience or contacts already made with custodians. If your application is for funds that will support the production of a book, please include a copy of the contract from your publisher, the publisher’s request for a subvention, and/or specifics on costs for images and permissions.
Application deadline: 31/08/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalart.org/kress-research-grant
ICMA - International Center of Medieval Art – ICMA-Kress Travel Grants Travel will be reimbursed up to US$600. Overseas travel will be reimbursed up to US$1200.
They offer travel grants to speakers at ICMA-sponsored sessions at scholarly conferences.
Application deadline: no later than one (1) month after the session at the conference
Application link: https://www.medievalart.org/kress-travel-grant
ICMA - International Center of Medieval Art – ICMA-Kress Exhibition Development Grant $5,000
It supports research and/or interpretive programming for a major exhibition at an institution that otherwise could not provide such financial support. Members from all geographic areas are welcome to apply. It can be used to fund travel in the research and preparation stages of an exhibition and/or to underwrite public programming once a show is installed.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.medievalart.org/exhibition-grant
ICMA - International Center of Medieval Art – Graduate Student Essay Award First Prize ($400), Second Prize ($200), and Third Prize ($100)
It awards the best essay by a student member of the ICMA. The theme or subject of the essay may be any aspect of medieval art, and can be drawn from current research. They encourage submissions that consider themes of intercultural contact — for instance, between Latin Christendom and the Byzantine realm; among Jews, Muslims, and Christians; or the dynamics of encounters connecting Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Application deadline: Monday 17 April 2023, 5pm ET
Application link: https://www.medievalart.org/studentessay
ICMA - International Center of Medieval Art – Student Travel Grants Three grants up to $3,000
It offers grants for graduate students in the early stages of their dissertation research, enabling beginning scholars to carry out foundational investigations at archives and sites. The grants are primarily for students who have finished preliminary exams, and are in the process of refining dissertation topics. Students who have already submitted a proposal, but are still very early on in the process of their research, may also apply. The grants are designed to cover one month of travel.
Application deadline: 17 April 2023, 5pm ET
Application link: https://www.medievalart.org/student-travel-grants
ICMA - International Center of Medieval Art – ICMA Annual Book Prize US $1,000 to a single author, or US $1,000 split equally between co-authors.
It invites submissions for the annual prize for best single- or co-authored book on any topic in medieval art. To be eligible for the 2024 competition, books must have been printed in 2023. The competition is international and open to all ICMA members. Languages of publication: English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. Only printed books are eligible for the prize.
Application deadline: 31/05/2024
Application link: https://www.medievalart.org/book-prize
IHR - Institute of Historical Research Scouloudi Historical Awards – Pollard Best Paper Prize First prize: Fast track publication in the IHR journal, Historical Research, and £500 of OUP books. Runner-up prizes: Publication in Historical Research, and £200 of OUP books. A variable number of runner up prizes will be awarded, depending on the quality of applications in any given year.
It is awarded annually for the best paper presented at an Institute of Historical Research seminar (in-person on online) by a postgraduate student or by a researcher within one year of completing the PhD. Area of research is any historical (post 500 AD). Applicants are required to have delivered a paper (in-person or online) at an IHR seminar during the academic year in which the award is made. Submissions should be supported by a reference from a convenor of the appropriate seminar.
Application deadline: Friday 12 July 2024
Application link: https://www.history.ac.uk/join-ihr/fellowships/awards-bursaries-and-prizes/annual-pollard-prize
IHR - Institute of Historical Research Scouloudi Historical Awards – Scouloudi Historical Awards: Research Awards Up to £1,000
Area of research: History (broadly defined). It is to pay for research and other expenses incurred in the completion of advanced historical work, which the applicant intends subsequently to publish. Research and other expenses include such items as ticket fares and subsistence during visits to libraries or record repositories and photographic reproduction of material. Applicants must be either graduates of a university in the United Kingdom with an honours degree (or postgraduate degree) in history, or a related subject; or British citizens with a similar qualification from a university outside the United Kingdom. Awards are not available to those registered for undergraduate or postgraduate courses or degrees.
Application deadline: 31st July 2023
Application link: https://www.history.ac.uk/join-ihr/fellowships/awards-bursaries-and-prizes/scouloudi-historical-awards-research-awards
IHR - Institute of Historical Research Scouloudi Historical Awards – Scouloudi Historical Awards: Publication Awards Up to £1,000
Area of research: History (broadly defined). It is to subsidise a portion of the cost of publishing a scholarly book or article, or an issue of a learned journal in the field of history, either in hard copy or through electronic publication. This is a fund for authors and authorial costs, especially images and image permissions. Applicants must be either graduates of a university in the United Kingdom with an honours degree (or postgraduate degree) in history, or a related subject; or British citizens with a similar qualification from a university outside the United Kingdom. Awards are not available to those registered for undergraduate or postgraduate courses or degrees.
Application deadline: 31st July 2023
Application link: https://www.history.ac.uk/join-ihr/fellowships/awards-bursaries-and-prizes/scouloudi-historical-awards-publication-awards
IIS - Institute of Ismaili Studies – Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship £10,000 every three years
It is awarded to a scholar working in the fields of interest of the late Professor Schimmel, such as Islamic mysticism, Arabic, Persian and South Asian literatures and literary and artistic expressions of Muslim devotional life. Her publications included hundreds of articles and books on Islamic art, theology, poetry, calligraphy and mysticism, as well as translations of Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Sindhi poetry into German and English.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.iis.ac.uk/study/fellowships-and-scholarships/annemarie-schimmel-fellowship/
IIS - Institute of Ismaili Studies – Visiting Fellowship Programme Not indicated
The IIS awards a small number of Visiting Research Fellowships. The recipients engage in fields of research which are of interest to the Institute. Usually, the Fellows join the faculty of the Department of Academic Research and Publications and the results of their research may eventually be published. We identify Visiting Research Fellows whenever there is a need for their input in a particular field of research. The institute seeks to contribute to the field of Islamic studies in general, with a particular focus on Shi‘i and Ismaili studies.
Application deadline: To be announced
Application link: https://www.iis.ac.uk/study/fellowships-and-scholarships/visiting-fellowship-programme/
IIS - Institute of Ismaili Studies – Farhad Daftary Doctoral Scholarship Programme Covers university fees, up to a maximum of three academic years (full-time), as well as a living stipend of £16,008 a year (£1,334 a month), up to a maximum of four academic years.
Funds candidates who are interested in pursuing research at PhD level on a topic related to any of the Institute’s core research areas. Research areas include Shi‘i and Ismaili studies, Qur’anic studies, Islamic law, education, and manuscript studies. In addition, the scholarships are also open to any areas in which Islam can be analysed in one of its various manifestations (historical, theological, philosophical, legal, educational, political, ritual, cultural, etc.) Research can be conducted from any of the various perspectives and disciplines related to the humanities, including, for instance, Anthropology and related disciplines, Arts and Material Culture, Digital Humanities, Education, Literature, Ethnomusicology, Philosophy, Political Science or Sociology. Applications focusing on historical studies, as well as those concentrating on contemporary studies, will also be considered. Research may be focused on any region of the Muslim world. Candidates are expected to have linguistic competence in at least one language traditionally used by Muslims (ideally, Arabic or Persian), and in European languages (English and, ideally, at least one other). Students from all countries may apply.
Application deadline: 31/03/2023
Application link: https://www.iis.ac.uk/study/fellowships-and-scholarships/farhad-daftary-doctoral-scholarship-programme/#
IIS - Institute of Ismaili Studies – Mohammed Arkoun Doctoral Scholarship awarded once every four years and covers both tuition fees and personal expenses, up to the amount of £25,000 a year, for a maximum of four academic years.
It is awarded to a graduate student pursuing research in the field of Islamic Studies, preferably in areas of relevance to Professor Arkoun’s work. These include (but are not limited to): 1) simultaneous attention to historical and modern issues in Islamic thought and society, 2) harnessing the tools of the social sciences and humanities (notably, linguistics, sociology and anthropology) to the study of thought and culture in Muslim societies, 3) consideration of theoretical frameworks for a critical understanding of religious thought and imagination in Muslim communities and other ‘Societies of the Book’.
Application deadline: To be announced
Application link: https://www.iis.ac.uk/study/fellowships-and-scholarships/mohammed-arkoun-doctoral-scholarship/
IIS - Institute of Ismaili Studies – Dissertation Writing Scholarship a stipend of £3,000
The IIS welcomes applications for its Dissertation Writing Scholarship from graduate students in the field of Islamic Studies who are researching an Ismaili topic. It assists doctoral candidates to complete their fieldwork or dissertation.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.iis.ac.uk/study/fellowships-and-scholarships/dissertation-writing-scholarship/
IJIA - International Journal of Islamic Architecture – Professor Hasan-Uddin Khan Article Award The winner will receive a cash prize of $1000 and a two-year subscription to IJIA; the runner-up will receive a two-year subscription to IJIA.
It offers this award in recognition of ground-breaking scholarship on the subject published in peer-reviewed journals. The criteria on which papers will be judged are: innovation in approach(es) to posed research question(s), originality, written clarity and style, and the overall impact on research in the field. Articles should provide new insights into the field, making a distinct or significant scholarly contribution to the understanding of architecture, architectural heritage, and the built environment in the Islamic world (both historic and contemporary), especially in marginalized geographies. This award, offered every two years, is judged by a jury that includes three members of the academic community. The second award will be given in 2024 and we are delighted that Professors Kishwar Rizvi, Leïla el-Wakil, and James L. Wescoat Jr. will serve on the jury. Papers published in English in a peer reviewed journal in 2022 or 2023 will be eligible for this round of the award.
Application deadline: 15/11/2023
Application link: https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20003716/call-submissons-2024-professor-hasan-uddin-khan-article-award-islamic
Islamic Manuscript Association – 1) Annual Grant Scheme, 2) Collection Care and Emergency Response Grant Scheme, 3) The Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation & Pembroke College Summer Visiting Scholarship. See the link
Their grant programme is currently suspended.
Application deadline: See the link.
Application link: https://www.islamicmanuscript.org/grants.aspx
İRI/İAE - İstanbul Research Institute – Research and Write-up Grant for PhD Candidates TRY54.000
It rewards 1 PhD candidate (who has passed the comprehensive exam and became ABD-all but dissertation) a Research and Write-Up Grant to support innovative research on Istanbul. This grant may be used for field/archival research necessary for the PhD dissertation or for writing the dissertation itself. Eligibility: Having passed the comprehensive exam, to be registered as a PhD candidate at a social science or humanities department of a university in Turkey or abroad.
Application deadline: July 3, 2023
Application link: https://en.iae.org.tr/Grants/18
İRI/İAE - İstanbul Research Institute – Travel Grants 5 researchers, TRY9.000 each.
It supports innovative research on Istanbul. This grant may be used only to support field/archive work necessary for a specific research and not for any other needs (such as tuition payments, purchasing of equipment, conference attendance, etc.). This destination of travel does not need to be Istanbul. Eligibility: 1) To visit another city for a short term for the purposes of an advanced research (MA, PhD, post-doctorate, article, book, etc.) on Istanbul. 2) Candidates can travel to Istanbul, unless they are not residents in Istanbul. 3) Researchers already resident in the city of research on another grant cannot apply for this grant.
Application deadline: July 3, 2023
Application link: https://en.iae.org.tr/Grants/18
İRI/İAE - İstanbul Research Institute – Conference Grants 5 awards, TRY9.000 each.
It awards master’s or PhD students or independent researchers a conference grant to support innovative research on Istanbul by enabling them to present papers abroad at conferences/symposia/ workshops or to organize a panel at a conference. Eligibility: 1) The activity must take place outside Turkey. 2) To be registered on a PhD or MA program at a social science or humanities department of a university in Turkey OR to be an independent researcher living in Turkey carrying out advanced research OR to be a citizen of Turkey and registered on a PhD or MA program at a social science or humanities department of a university outside Turkey. 3) The conference should require a registration fee if it is online.
Application deadline: July 3, 2023
Application link: https://en.iae.org.tr/Grants/18
Leverhulme Trust – Early Career Fellowships Approximately 145 Fellowships are available in 2024. The awards are tenable for 36 months. 50% of the Fellow’s total salary costs up to a maximum of £26,000 in each year of the award. The Fellow may request up to £6,000 per annum in research expenses to further his or her research activities.
Fellowships can be held at UK universities with research degree awarding powers. Applicants must not yet have held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or comparable UK institution, nor may Fellows hold such a post concurrently with the Early Career Fellowship.
Application deadline: 22 February 2024, 4pm
Application link: https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/early-career-fellowships
Leverhulme Trust – Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships 18 scholarships. For details, see the link.
The scheme is open to applications from any UK university in an interdisciplinary priority research area for that institution.
Application deadline: Currently closed
Application link: https://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/leverhulme-doctoral-scholarships
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Centennial Projects Fund Five awards, each $5,000, in the first round.
The largest organization in the United States that promotes excellence in the field of medieval studies and supports research, publication, and teaching in medieval art, archaeology, history, law, literature, music, philosophy, religion, science, social and economic institutions, and all other aspects of the Middle Ages. The Centennial Projects Fund will support the planning and implementation of local events and projects celebrating and promoting medieval studies in education and the arts. For performances and lectures, the event must be scheduled for 2025. Educational resources must be open access and meet the MAA's Standards for Web Publication.
Application deadline: 15/12/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/CentennialProjectsFund
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Graduate Student Annual Meeting Bursaries up to $500 each
Graduate students who are members of the MMA and who have had a proposal accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting are eligible to apply.
Application deadline: 31/12/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/GradStudentBursaries
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – CARA Summer Programs and Tuition Scholarships between four and eight awards yearly, each up to US$1000.
A limited number of stipends are available for graduate students and particularly promising undergraduate students participating in summer courses in medieval languages or manuscript studies. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy in good standing with at least one year of graduate school remaining and must demonstrate both the importance of the summer course to their program of study and their home institution’s inability to offer analogous coursework. Eligible programs include (but are not limited to): 1) Qasid Arabic Language Institute (Jordan), 2) University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (Hebrew Palaeography), etc.
Application deadline: 01/04/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/CARA_Scholarships
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Belle Da Costa Greene Award $2,000
Applicants must be members in good standing of the Medieval Academy as of 15 January of the year in which they apply. It will be granted annually to a medievalist of color for research and travel. The award may be used to visit archives, attend conferences, or to facilitate writing and research. The award will be granted on the basis of the quality of the proposed project, the applicant's budgetary needs (as expressed by a submitted budget and in the project narrative), and the estimation of the ways in which the award will facilitate the applicant’s research and contribute to the field. Special consideration will be given to graduate students, emerging junior scholars, adjunct, and unaffiliated scholars.
Application deadline: 15/02/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/GreeneAward
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Dissertation Grants $2,000
Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy as of 15 January of the year in which they apply. It supports advanced graduate students who are writing Ph.D. dissertations on medieval topics. It helps defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials. All graduate students whose primary research focuses on an aspect of medieval studies are eligible but if your topic deals with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350 - 1500), you should apply for a Schallek Award. Applicants must have received approval from their dissertation committee for their projects by the application date.
Application deadline: 15/02/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/Dissert_Grant_Instr
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Medieval Academy of America Fellows Research Award two awards of $5,000 each year
It supports two research awards for members of the Medieval Academy who do not have access to research funding. The goal is to make two awards of $5,000 each year to Ph.D. candidates and/or non-tenure-track scholars to support research in medieval studies. The awards will help fund travel and/or access expenses to consult original sources, archives, manuscripts, works of art, or monuments in situ. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy of America by Sept. 15 of the year in which they apply.
Application deadline: October 1, 2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/FellowsResearchAward
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Inclusivity and Diversity Research Grant up to $3,000
Applicants must be members in good standing of the Medieval Academy of America. It is given to a scholar, at any stage in their career, who seeks to pursue innovative research that will broaden the scope of medieval studies. Projects that focus on non-European regions or topics under the Inclusivity and Diversity Committee’s purview such as race, class, disability, gender, religion, or sexuality are particularly welcomed. The grant prioritizes applicants who are students, ECRs, or non-tenured.
Application deadline: December 31st
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/InclusivityDiversityResearchGrant
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Inclusivity and Diversity Travel Grant $500
It is given to one Annual Meeting participant presenting an accepted presentation on the study of diversity and inclusivity in the Middle Ages (broadly conceived) at any session of the MAA Annual Meeting. Preference will be given to student, junior, adjunct, and unaffiliated scholars. Applicants must be members in good standing of the Medieval Academy of America.
Application deadline: 31/12/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/DiversityTravelGrant
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – MAA/GSC Grant for Innovation in Community Building and Professionalization One grant of $2,000 will be awarded, but the award may be divided among multiple projects at the discretion of the adjudication committee.
It will be awarded to an individual or graduate student group from one or more universities. The grant is intended to support a wide range of activities such as a graduate student conference; an online journal; a lecture or workshop series; a collective excursion to an archive, museum, architectural or archaeological site; performances (of medieval music, medieval drama, etc); or the creation of collaborative digital humanities projects, to name but several possibilities. Eligibility: 1) All applicants and collaborators must be MAA members in good standing by January 15 of the year in which the application is submitted. 2) The award is available to both individuals and groups. When submitting a group application, one individual must be designated as the primary applicant for the project and must remain in this position throughout the implementation of the award (i.e. 12 months from the date of award). 3) At the time of submission, the primary applicant and all collaborators must be graduate students enrolled in full-time programs (without geographic restriction). 4) The primary applicant must remain enrolled in a graduate program during the course of the grant. However, collaborators who complete their course of study within 12 months of the date of the award, but remain members of the MAA, may continue to participate without affecting the status of the grant.
Application deadline: 01/02/2015
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/MAAGSCGrant
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Olivia Remie Constable Award $1,500
Unaffiliated scholars, adjuncts, postdoctoral lecturers, and other junior faculty members (pre-tenure) are invited to apply for research and travel. Please note that current graduate students are not eligible. The award may be used to fund travel to archives or scholarly conferences; for acquiring copies of documents; to pay for images, equipment, hardware, software, or digital access; and/or to purchase library privileges if necessary.
Application deadline: 15/02/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/ConstableAward
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – MAA Book Subventions up to $2,500
It supports the publication of first books by Medieval Academy members. The author of the book must be a member of the Medieval Academy who holds a Ph.D. and must be untenured. If employed, the author must certify that the employing institution is unable to provide the full subvention required by the publisher. The book to be considered for a subvention must be the author's first, must focus substantially on the Middle Ages, must be of high scholarly and intellectual merit. Applications will be accepted from university presses or other non-profit publishers focusing on scholarship.
Application deadline: 01/05/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/MAA_Book_Subvention
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – MAA/CARA Conference Grant for Regional Associations and Programs One grant of $1,000
It will be awarded annually to a regional or consortial Medieval Studies Program or Association to support an annual regional or consortial conference taking place the year after the application is submitted. Graduate-student run conferences and meetings are not eligible for this award. All primary applicants must be MAA members in good standing. The conference/symposium must be sponsored by a regional, institutional, or consortial association or program.
Application deadline: October, 15.
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/MAA_CARA_Grant
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Travel Grants Awards to support travel in North America are up to $500; for overseas travel the awards are up to $750.
It provides a limited number of travel grants to help Academy members who hold PhDs but are not in full-time faculty positions, or are adjuncts without access to institutional funding, attend conferences to present their work. Major national and international meetings will be given priority. Grants will be limited to one per applicant in a three-year period.
Application deadline: 1) 1 May for meetings to be held between 1 September and 15 February. 2) 1 November for meetings to be held between 16 February and 31 August.
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/Travel_Grants
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Prize $1000
Projects created during or after 2019 are eligible for the 2024 DHMS Prize. It is awarded to one outstanding digital research project in Medieval Studies. Projects submitted for the prize may take the form of: 1) digital-born research projects, 2) databases, 3) digital archives of texts or images, 4) pedagogical projects, 5) teaching or research tool. To be eligible, digital project submitted each year must have been created and made available to users within the last five years. Projects created during or after 2019 are eligible for the 2024 DHMS PrizeCurrent winner of the DHMS PrizeRecent RecipientsThe Academy awards the annual Digital Humanities and Multimedia Studies Prize to one outstanding digital research project in Medieval Studies. The first Prize was awarded in 2017.Projects submitted for the prize may take the form of:digital-born research projectsdatabasesdigital archives of texts or imagespedagogical projectsteaching or research toolOr other original and innovative contributions in digital form to the academic study of the Middle Ages.Commercially funded projects are not eligible.THE PRIZEThe prize is not meant to aid development of digital projects but instead to reward successful and innovative digital projects in Medieval Studies. The recipient (i.e. the Principal Investigator) will receive a cash prize of $1000.The recipient of the award will be announced in the spring of the following year at the annual meeting of the Medieval Academy.ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible, digital project submitted each year must have been created and made available to users within the last five years.For example, in 2018, projects created during or after 2013 are eligible.Projects do not need to be complete, although they should show signs of continuing work and support. The Principal Investigator of the project must be a member of the Medieval Academy of America.
Application deadline: midnight on October 15
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/DHPrize
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – John Nicholas Brown Book Prize $1,000
Books are eligible to be submitted in the third year after the publication date that appears in the book. For instance, books published in 2020 are eligible for the 2024 Brown Prize. It is awarded annually for a first single-authored monograph on a medieval subject.
Application deadline: 15/10/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/Brown_Prize
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Karen Gould Book Prize in Art History $1,000
Books are eligible to be submitted two years after the publication date that appears in the book, for the Prize to be awarded the following year. In other words, a book published in 2015 is eligible for submission in 2017 for the Prize awarded in 2018. It is awarded annually for a book or monograph (conference proceedings and collected essays are not eligible) in medieval art history. The author must be a member in good standing of the Medieval Academy of America.
Application deadline: 31/10/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/GouldPrize
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Medieval Academy Inclusivity and Diversity Book Subvention Program up to $5000
It provides subventions to university or other non-profit scholarly presses to support the publication of books that contribute to diversity and inclusion in the field of Medieval Studies (broadly conceived) by Medieval Academy members.
Application deadline: 01/05/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/InclusivityDiversityBookSubvention
MAA - Medieval Academy of America – Van Courtlandt Elliott Article Prize $500
It is awarded annually for a first article in the field of medieval studies, published in a scholarly journal. Articles shall be submitted in the year following the publication year. For example, articles bearing a publication date of 2005 were submitted in 2006 for the prize given in 2007. Articles, published in a scholarly journal, must be at least five pages in length and by a single author whose residence is in North America.
Application deadline: 15/10/2023
Application link: https://www.medievalacademy.org/page/Elliott_Prize
MEM - Middle East Medievalists – They provided a number of grants: Book Prize, Dissertation Prize, Graduate Student Prize, Sponsored MESA panels, Graduate students of color. Not indicated
They seem to have not provided any of these grants in the last few years, but it may be worth checking their website for updates later.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.middleeastmedievalists.com/awards-prizes/
MESA - Middle East Studies Association – Albert Hourani Book Award $1000
Nominations can be made by either the publisher or the author. 1) Books must be non-fiction scholarly monographs based on original research published in English between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023*. Authors need not be members of MESA. 2) Subject matter must deal with the Middle East. Areas primarily of interest include Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Israel, Pakistan, and the countries of the Arab World from the seventh century to modern times. Spain, Southeastern Europe, the Soviet Union and other regions also are included for the periods in which their territories were part of the Middle Eastern empires or were under the influence of Middle Eastern civilization. 3) Works not eligible include edited collections and compilations, proceedings of symposia, new editions of previously published books, bibliographies, dictionaries, textbooks, and surveys. 4) Nominations must be made by April 15, 2023, with books delivered to the readers by April 20, 2023, for books to be eligible for the competition. (Emailed nominations are acceptable).
Application deadline: To nominate a book: April 15, 2023. To send a print copy: April 20, 2023.
Application link: https://mesana.org/awards/category/mesa-book-awards/mesa-book-awards-nomination-guidelines
MESA - Middle East Studies Association – Kerr Dissertation Award $1000 If the committee chooses more than one winner in a particular category, the cash award will be split.
Dissertations in Middle East studies must be nominated by the author’s advisor or someone who served on the dissertation committee. Awards are given in two categories: Social Sciences and Humanities.
Application deadline: July 1, 2023. All students completing their dissertations between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 are eligible to submit entries for the 2023 award.
Application link: https://mesana.org/awards/category/malcolm-h-kerr-dissertation-awards/kerr-guidelines
MESA - Middle East Studies Association – Wadad Kadi Travel Fellowships for Doctoral Students $500. Max. ten awards.
Fellowships will be awarded in two categories: 1) Islamic Studies/History before 950 CE. Students enrolled in graduate programs who are presenting papers at MESA’s 2023 annual meeting in the fields of Islamic studies/history before 950 CE are eligible for these fellowships. Within this time frame the range of possible topics, source languages and methodologies is quite broad (e.g. archaeology, papyri, Late Antiquity, Christian sources, etc.; Arabic, Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Persian, etc.; and comparative work). Up to 7 fellowships will be awarded. 2) All other fields. Students enrolled in graduate programs who are presenting papers at MESA’s 2023 annual meeting in any field other than the above are eligible for these fellowships. The number of awards available will depend on how many awards are granted in category 1. Eligibility and Application Requirements: 1) Doctoral students who are MESA members at the time of the submission of their papers to MESA’s 2023 annual meeting are eligible. 2) They must submit a paper through MESA’s annual meeting electronic submission system by the submission deadline (February 23, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) and that paper must be accepted by MESA’s Program Committee. 3) They must apply for the fellowship by completing the form below by no later than Thursday, February 23, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Application deadline: February 23, 2023
Application link: https://mesana.org/awards/category/wadad-kadi-travel-fellowships-for-doctoral-students
MESA - Middle East Studies Association – Graduate Student Paper Prize $250
The MESA invites submissions of graduate student research papers on any aspect of post 600 CE Middle East studies for the 2023 Graduate Student Paper Prize. The author is encouraged to submit their winning paper for consideration of publication in the Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES).
Application deadline: August 15, 2023
Application link: https://mesana.org/awards/category/mesa-graduate-student-paper/mesa-graduate-student-paper-prize-nomination-guidelines
MET - Metropolitan Museum Art History Fellowships – There are a number of fellowships, and the projects they are interested in funding seem to vary each year. Fellowships: 1) Fellowship in History of Art and Visual Culture, 2) Conservation Fellowship and Scientific Research Fellowship, 3) Leonard A. Lauder Fellowship in Modern Art, 4) Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Curatorial Fellowship, 5) Eugene V. Thaw Fellowship for Collections Cataloguing, 6) Research Scholarship in Photograph Conservation, 7) Interdisciplinary Fellowship See the link
Applicants come from diverse backgrounds and nationalities and vary widely in their perspectives and training. Working across a range of fields, including art history, anthropology, ethnomusicology, museum studies, critical theory, philosophy, historiography, conservation, and the material sciences, Met Fellows embark on research projects that reflect the diversity of The Met collection.
Application deadline: See the link.
Application link: https://www.metmuseum.org/about-the-met/fellowships/types-of-fellowships
OBS - Oxford Bibliographical Society – Grants not more than £1,500
The Society seeks to promote a shared interest in bibliographical matters, including manuscripts, printed books, libraries, collections, and the wider book-trade. The OBS is invested in both traditional methods of bibliographical study, and also new and emerging ways of approaching bibliographical objects. It is offering an annual series of grants to help in defraying the costs of holding conferences, exhibitions and workshops; to support small projects such as the web-publication of unpublished catalogues of manuscripts and printed books; and to provide assistance to scholars in obtaining reproductions or undertaking essential travel (including accommodation costs) as part of projects whose aims are in line with those of the Oxford Bibliographical Society. Applications need not relate to Oxford, however Oxford-based or Oxford-related submissions may be prioritised.
Application deadline: 31/03/2023
Application link: https://oxbibsoc.wordpress.com/grants/
OCIS - Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies – Abdul Aziz Al-Mutawa and the Muhammad Bin-Ladin Visiting Fellowships £5000
Two Visiting Fellowships are offered to support research in any area that has relevance to the study of Islam or the Muslim world, particularly anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, law, literature, philosophy, politics, religion, sociology, science and society. Applicants would normally be established academics but scholars at the postdoctoral level are also eligible. Visiting Fellows are expected to devote their time to research and writing and to participate in the Centre’s academic activities.
Application deadline: 09/01/2024
Application link: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/visiting-fellowships
OCIS - Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies – Imam Bukhari and the Imam Tirmizi Visiting Research Fellowship £4000
Two Visiting Research Fellowships, open to citizens of countries in Asia or Africa, are intended to encourage interaction among academics from different traditions of learning. Preference will be given to those studying classical Islamic sciences, although other areas in the humanities and social sciences will be considered. Applicants should normally be at the postdoctoral level or equivalent. Visiting Research Fellows are expected to devote their time to research and writing and to participate in the Centre’s academic activities.
Application deadline: 16/01/2024
Application link: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/visiting-fellowships
OCIS - Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies – OCIS-Chevening Visiting Fellowships and Chevening-OCIS Abdullah Gül Fellowship Six-month period of research at OCIS. Living expenses for the duration of the fellowship, and other benefits.
The OCIS-Chevening Visiting Fellowships are given up to four fully funded fellowships that are restricted to applicants from: Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. The Abdullah Gül Chevening Fellowship is restricted to applicants from Turkey. They are aimed at mid-career academics or professionals who are dedicated to the promotion of academic activities which encourage a more informed understanding of the culture and civilisation of Islam and contemporary Muslim societies. Fellows will undertake a 6-month period of self-directed research focusing on their own project on the culture and civilisation of Islam and contemporary Muslim societies in a global context and carried out at the OCIS. Applicants must return to country of your citizenship at the end of the period of the fellowship, have significant professional and/or academic research experience (at least five years), and not hold British or dual-British citizenship.
Application deadline: 07/11/2023
Application link: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/visiting-fellowships
OCIS - Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies – Research Fellowships Two fellowships. The salary range is £32,332 - £38,205.
The Fellows will be engaged in research and publication in any area of the arts, humanities or social sciences which contributes to a more informed understanding of the Islamic world – its history, culture, civilisation and contemporary societies. The Fellowships will be tenable for a period of two academic years.
Application deadline: 30/11/2023
Application link: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/sites/default/files/inline-files/Research%20Fellowships%20job%20description.pdf
ONGC - Oxford Nizami Ganjavi Centre – Scholarships Course fees covered in full and a living allowance at the same rate as UK research council rate (£15,009 in 2019/20).
It offers one scholarship every year to Master's and DPhil applicants whose research relates to the study of the history, languages and cultures of Azerbaijan, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Applicants are considered automatically as part of their application to the University, and that there is no separate application process. This embraces all those courses offered by the Humanities or Social Sciences Division.
Application deadline: Check the Graduate Admissions at Oxford.
Application link: https://www.ongc.ox.ac.uk/scholarships
ONGC - Oxford Nizami Ganjavi Centre – Small Grants up to £500
For projects related to research into the history, languages and cultures of Azerbaijan, the Caucasus and Central Asia. This includes presenting research at workshops and conferences. Please note that the grants are only open to academic staff and research students of the University of Oxford. No more than one such grant will be awarded to any individual in a single academic year. No grant-holder will be eligible for a further grant until they have reported on the use of a previous grant.
Application deadline: No deadline.
Application link: https://www.ongc.ox.ac.uk/grants
OTSA - Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association – Book Prize $1000
An annual prize awarded to the most outstanding book in the field of Ottoman and Turkish studies published in the previous year (copyright date of 2022). Nominations may be made by the author, colleagues, publisher, or friends. Translated books, edited volumes, fiction, and textbooks are not eligible. English and Turkish are the preferred languages of submission.
Application deadline: May 15, 2023
Application link: https://www.ottomanturkishstudiesassociation.org/awards-prizes/
OTSA - Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association – Article Prize $300
The biennial prize is awarded for an outstanding article in the field of Ottoman and Turkish Studies. The prize is awarded in odd‐numbered years to articles published in the previous two-year period (Jan. 2021-Dec. 2022 for the 2023 prize). Only one submission may be made per author. Eligible submissions include peer-reviewed journal articles and peer-reviewed chapters in edited volumes.
Application deadline: May 15, 2023
Application link: https://www.ottomanturkishstudiesassociation.org/awards-prizes/
OTSA - Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association – Graduate Student Paper Prize $200
An annual prize for the best paper in Turkish or Ottoman studies written by a graduate student in Turkish or Ottoman studies during the preceding academic year (2022-23 for the award given in 2023). The winning paper will be considered for publication in the Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies (JOTSA).
Application deadline: June 15, 2023
Application link: https://www.ottomanturkishstudiesassociation.org/awards-prizes/
OTSA - Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association – Vangelis Kechriotis Memorial Travel Grant $500
It is given to a doctoral candidate undertaking a research trip for his/her dissertation. The topics that are funded include the history of Ottoman non-Muslims, Greek-Ottoman and Greek-Turkish relations, or Ottoman Balkan Studies.
Application deadline: August 1, 2023
Application link: https://www.ottomanturkishstudiesassociation.org/awards-prizes/
OTSA - Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association – Digital Ottoman and Turkish Studies $5,250
It is a new annual prize to support promising scholarship in the field of Digital Ottoman and Turkish Studies by early career researchers. This award is meant to support work by promising advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and scholars who have completed their Ph.D. within the last three years (no earlier than July 2020). This award is not meant for the development of new digital tools – the end product should be a work of scholarship, either a dissertation, book, journal article, book chapter, or other analytical scholarly contribution.
Application deadline: August 1, 2023
Application link: https://www.ottomanturkishstudiesassociation.org/awards-prizes/
P&P - Past and Present Society – Post-Doctoral Fellowships up to three two-year postdoctoral
The Society and the Institute of Historical Research will next year offer JRFs in History tenable at the Institute. Each Fellowship will be awarded to a graduate who expects to have submitted his/her doctoral thesis in history (broadly defined) by 1 October of the year of the Fellowship. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a broad interest in processes of social, economic, political and cultural change, as manifested in their particular field of study. The Society wishes to promote work of a kind that might be published in the journal and the P&P book series. Applicants may be of any nationality, and their PhD (or equivalent) may have been awarded in any country.
Application deadline: 28th February 2023
Application link: https://pastandpresent.org.uk/fellowships-and-funding/
P&P - Past and Present Society – Conference Grants £5,000 three times a year
It is able to award grants to organisers of conferences and workshops. It supports scholars of any status and is particularly keen to fund events that bring together senior scholars with early career researchers. The grants are intended to subsidise registration fees, and cover accommodation and travel costs. It will not normally offer funding to annual conferences; and that grants cannot be sought retrospectively.
Application deadline: Deadlines are 15 February, 15 June, and 15 October.
Application link: https://pastandpresent.org.uk/fellowships-and-funding/
P&P - Past and Present Society – Grants for Other Events and Initiatives up to £5,000
It welcomes applications from individuals, societies, educational bodies, cultural and heritage organisations that have an interest in the promotion of the understanding of the past.
Application deadline: Deadlines are 15 February, 15 June, and 15 October.
Application link: https://pastandpresent.org.uk/fellowships-and-funding/
PEF - Palestine Exploration Fund – PEF Annual Research Grants between £450 and £2,000
It welcomes application for grants to support research into the archaeology and history, ethnography, anthropology and culture, topography, geology, and natural sciences of Palestine and the Levant. Research projects involving the PEF’s own collections and archives are welcome. We accept applications from researchers of all nationalities. Membership of the PEF is a prerequisite for application. They are available to support field work (including museum, and archival work). Applicants must be current members of the Palestine Exploration.
Application deadline: February 28th 2023
Application link: https://www.pef.org.uk/about/grants/
PEF - Palestine Exploration Fund – PEF-Albright Institute Fellowship £3000
It supports research that requires access to the PEF archives and collection and also time spent in residence at the Albright Institute in Jerusalem. The Fellowship requires a minimum of 10 working days at the PEF in Greenwich, London, and a 1 month minimum stay at AIAR in Jerusalem. The room and half-board at the Institute ($1,200 per month) will come from the award, with the rest a flexible stipend for the other activities. This Fellowship is open to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers of all nationalities.
Application deadline: Not indicated.
Application link: https://www.pef.org.uk/about/grants/
PEF - Palestine Exploration Fund – Routledge Philip R. Davies Early Career Publication Award The winner will receive a cash prize of £750, with the first runner up awarded £350 and the second runner up £100.
The award is open to scholars of all nationalities who have completed their Ph.D. within 10 years of the submission deadline. Entries of original, unpublished research up to 6,000 words in length (including footnotes, but not bibliography) in areas covered by the PEQ will be considered for this award. The Fund offers prizes to the winner and up to two runners up, as well as the chance to publish their articles in the PEF’s own peer-reviewed journal, the Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ). The PEQ focuses on the study of the Levant in the areas of archaeology, history, anthropology, geography, art, and languages.
Application deadline: 3rd December, 2022
Application link: https://www.pef.org.uk/about/grants/
PMA - Persian Manuscripts Association – Grants are not currently offered. See the link
It supports and promotes research on Islamicate manuscripts of the vast Persianate world. This includes Iran and all regions that historically participated in or interfaced with persophone culture, from the Balkans and Egypt in the west to India and China in the east.
Application deadline: See the link.
Application link: https://persianmanuscripts.org/
RAS - Royal Asiatic Society – Bayly Thesis Prize £2500
for a distinguished thesis in an Asian subject falling within the scope of the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society or of Modern Asian Studies. The thesis must have been examined and approved for the PhD degree at a British or Irish University in 2022.
Application deadline: Friday 14th April 2023
Application link: https://royalasiaticsociety.org/the-bayly-prize-2022-copy/
RAS - Royal Asiatic Society – Several other grants are published on the link, but without details regarding the submissions. See the link
See the link.
Application deadline: See the link.
Application link: https://royalasiaticsociety.org/awards-prizes-visiting-fellowships/
SCS - Society for Court Studies – Essay Prize £500
The SCS is dedicated to the examination of royal and princely courts and households from antiquity to the present. The essay, which can be up to 10,000 words including footnotes, can focus on any area of court studies, with no restrictions on time period or geographic location and will be considered for publication in The Court Historian. Submissions are welcomed from post-graduate and early career researchers who have completed their PhD within the last 6 years.
Application deadline: 31/05/2023
Application link: https://courtstudies.org/essay-prize.html
SCS - Society for Court Studies – Research and Publication Bursaries up to £ 250
It awards a bursary bi-annually, with the intent to help researchers with costs associated with research of a piece for publication. These expenses may include archival visits, conference attendance, and photo permissions, but applicants are encouraged to apply for other expenses as well. The recipient must be a post-graduate or early career researcher (completed a PhD within the last 6 years), who is researching topics pertaining to court studies. There are no geographic or time period restrictions on this award. Applicants may apply for the award a maximum of two times for the same project. If the applicant is successful in their first application, they must wait 18 months before re-applying.
Application deadline: The annual deadlines for applications are 15 March (with awards being made in April), and 15 October (with awards being made in November).
Application link: https://courtstudies.org/research-and-publication-bursaries.html
SHS - Social History Society – Small Grants up to the amount of £1000
We are especially supportive of research or other activities that could lead to publication in Cultural and Social History or our book series, or provide sessions at our annual conference. Grants can be used towards directly incurred research costs, for example costs of conference organising, consumables, travel and subsistence, equipment purchase, childcare, research assistance and similar immediate costs of conducting research. The scheme is open to all UK-based historians. This includes professional historians in full-time or part time employment (whether working in universities or elsewhere such as museums, libraries and galleries), postgraduates and early career scholars, independent scholars, retired staff and students alike. Applicants should: 1) Be engaged in the research or teaching of social or cultural history, 2)Be a member of the SHS (or willing to become one), 3) Be ordinarily resident in the UK.
Application deadline: two dates for submission annually: 1 March and 1 October
Application link: https://socialhistory.org.uk/funding/small-grants/
SHS - Social History Society – Joint BME Small Grants up to the amount of £1000
It supports research, events and activities undertaken by BME historians or focused on the histories of BME people. The scheme was launched in 2019 in recognition of the under-representation, structural inequalities and racism afflicting UK Higher Education Institutions. Grants can be used towards directly incurred research costs, for example costs of conference organising, consumables, travel and subsistence, equipment purchase, childcare, research assistance and similar immediate costs of conducting research. The scheme is open to all UK-based historians. This includes professional historians in full-time or part time employment (whether working in universities or elsewhere such as museums, libraries and galleries), postgraduates and early career scholars, independent scholars, retired staff and students alike. Applicants should: 1) Be engaged in the research of social or cultural history, 2) Be members of one of the above societies (or be willing to become members) or, if they are employed in permanent post in a university history department, their department be a subscriber to History UK (or be willing to become one), 3) Be ordinarily resident in the UK.
Application deadline: 5pm on 1 December 2023
Application link: https://socialhistory.org.uk/funding/bme-small-grants/
SHS - Social History Society – Bursaries twenty bursaries up to £200
They support postgraduates and early career scholars presenting at their conference. To be eligible for a bursary, you must be either: Registered for a postgraduate degree (at any university); or Be within three years of completion of a PhD and without institutional support. It contributes towards the costs of registration, travel and accommodation.
Application deadline: Tuesday 19 April 2022
Application link: https://socialhistory.org.uk/events/bursaries/
SHS - Social History Society – Pamela Cox Public History Prize £200
It recognises activities that enhance public understanding of social and cultural history. The prize is awarded to a postgraduate student or an early career researcher who can demonstrate excellence in taking their research beyond the academy. There are no restrictions on the format of activity undertaken: it could include work with museums and heritage organisations, co-production with community groups, the creation of online resources, media appearances, contributions to public policy, arts based projects or the organisation of events designed for non-academic audiences. However, the activity must have taken place in the past twelve months. The award is open to all postgraduate research students currently registered at a UK HEI and post-docs within one year of their viva. We will accept nominations from individual PGR/ECRs, their supervisors, or any member of the Social History Society. The person nominated does not need to be a current member of the Society.
Application deadline: Friday 31 March 2023
Application link: https://socialhistory.org.uk/prizes/public-history-prize/
SMM - Society for the Medieval Mediterranean – Simon Barton Postgraduate & ECR Conference Prize up to £1000
It grants to assist postgraduate students and early-career researchers with the financing of conferences, symposia, workshops and/or outreach/public engagement initiatives/exhibitions. In-person, blended, and online events are all eligible. The event should be dedicated to explore any aspects of Mediterranean history and culture from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries C.E. Eligibility: Applicants should be enrolled in a Postgraduate programme (both Masters and PhD programmes are eligible) or should be an Early Career Researcher at the time of submission of their application Early Career Researchers for the purposes of this grant include those who are within 4 years of the award of their PhD degree at the time of applying and who do not hold a permanent position.
Application deadline: 31/01/2024
Application link: https://www.societymedievalmediterranean.com/simon-barton-postgraduate-conference-prize
SMM - Society for the Medieval Mediterranean – Dionisius A. Agius Book Prize Not indicated
To be eligible for consideration for the prize, the book must: 1) Be on a subject related to the history, society or culture of the Medieval Mediterranean, from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries CE, 2) Be its author’s first solely written book, 3) Be published in English, 4) Have been printed in 2021 or 2022.
Application deadline: will be open for entries in late 2024
Application link: https://www.societymedievalmediterranean.com/dionysius-a-agius-prize
TMJ-SAIMS (St Andrews) – The Medieval Journal - SAIMS Essay Prize £250
Rules: 1) Submissions are welcomed on any topic that falls within the scope of medieval studies, 2) It is open to all medievalists who are graduate students or have completed a higher degree within the last three years. For PhD students the time period of three years begins from the date of the successful viva, but excludes any career break.
Application deadline: 12/05/2023
Application link: https://tmj.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/prize-details/
TORCH (Oxford) – For various funding calls with different interests and objectives in the Humanities, see the link.
Application deadline:
Application link: https://torch.ox.ac.uk/opportunities
Western Michigan University – Gründler Book Prize $1,000
It consists of an award to the author of a monograph in any area of medieval studies. Authors from any country are eligible. To be eligible for the 2024 prize the book must have been published in 2022.
Application deadline: Nov. 1, 2023
Application link: https://wmich.edu/medieval/research/book-prize
WMIRG - Wilkinson McKenzie – International Research Grant two post-doctoral grants of up to £500 each
Applications are invited from scholars of all nationalities and ages to assist academic projects in any area of ancient history and archaeology broadly conceived but particularly pertaining to the Mediterranean or Middle East. It is set to fund travel, field research, conference registration, library charges, purchase of the specialised equipment, costs towards publication and many more expenses directly related to the proposed project. Preference will be given to co-funded projects. Research must be within the WMIRG’s remit of Humanities, which includes but is not limited to Bible studies, archaeology, History, art, culture.
Application deadline: December 20th, 2023
Application link: https://wmirg.org/applications/
Other funding opportunities can be found through H-Islamart. See the link. –
Application deadline:
Application link: https://networks.h-net.org/group/7636/announcements