Elise Morero
Other links:
- http://www.arscan.fr/grec-protohistoire-egeenne/equipes/elise-morero/
- https://oxford.academia.edu/EMorero
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6493-6532
Research Interests:
I am an archaeologist, specialised in ancient manufacturing techniques, my research focuses on lapidary craftsmanship and the transfers of technology in preindustrial societies. My work integrates diverse periods and regions from the stone vessels industry in the eastern Mediterranean world during the Bronze Age (3rd - 2nd millenniums BC).
I am co-investigator of the project on the reconstruction of the early Islamic rock crystal vessel production – 9th – 12th century AD (Khalili Research Centre), and on the reuse of hard-stone spolia in Sicily under the Norman and Hohenstaufen rulers.
- Ancient techniques and lapidary craftsmanship in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the medieval period
- Stone vessels manufacturing techniques
- Early Islamic rock crystal industry
- Experimental archaeology and ethoarchaeology
- Tribology – Use wear analysis
Monograph: Morero, Elise, Méthodes d’analyse des techniques lapidaires. Les vases de pierre en Crète à l’âge du Bronze (IIIe-IIe millénaire av. J.-C), Publications de la Sorbonne : Paris, 2016.
ISSN 19688903 http://www.arscan.fr/grec-protohistoire-egeenne/e-morero-methodes-danalyse-des-techniques-lapidaires/
Morero, Elise, Jeremy Johns, Haris Procopiou, Roberto Vargiolu, Hassan Zahouani, ‘Relief-Carving on Medieval Islamic Glass and Rock Crystal: a Comparative Approach to Techniques of Manufacture,’ in Cynthia Hahn & Avinoam Shalem (eds.), Seeking Transparency: Rock Crystals Across The Medieval Mediterranean, Berlin, 2020: 51-65.
Morero, Elise, ‘Les transferts techniques dans l’industrie de la vaisselle de pierre de l’âge du bronze en Méditerranée orientale (IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C.),’ in C. Lorre (ed.), Transferts Techniques et Transmission de Savoir-Faire, Collection Eurasie, Paris, 2019: 41-84.
Morero, Elise, ‘The use of the digital microscope and multi-scale observation in the study of the lapidary manufacturing techniques,’ in Kate Kelley & Rachel K. L. Wood (éds.), Digital Imaging of Artefacts : Developments in Methods and Aims, Oxford, 2018: 75-100. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/426431/1/seals2018.pdf
Morero, Elise, ‘The manufacturing techniques of Fatimid rock crystal ewers (10-12th centuries AD),’ in Alexandra Hilgner, Susanne Greiff & Dieter Quast (eds.), Gemstones in the first Millennium AD. Mines, Trade, Workshops and Symbolism, proceedings of the International Conference, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, 20-22 October 2015, Mainz, 2017: 119-135.
Morero, Elise, ‘Mycenaean Lapidary Craftsmanship, The stone vases manufacturing process,’ Annual of the British School at Athens 110 (2015) : 121-146. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1017/S0068245415000039
Morero, Elise & Romain Prévalet ‘Technological transfers of luxury craftsmanship between Crete and the Orient during the Bronze Age,’ in Jana Mynářová, Pavel Onderka, Peter Pavúk (eds.), The Crossroads II, or there and back again, proceedings of the international conference, Charles University, Prague, 15-18 September 2014, Prague, 2015: 59-83.
Morero, Elise, ‘Les techniques de fabrication des vases de pierre de Myrtos-Pyrgos,’ Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138-1 (2014) : 319-360. DOI : https://doi.org/10.3406/bch.2014.8024
Morero, Elise, ‘Les transferts techniques en Méditerranée orientale durant l’Age du Bronze. L’exemple de la vaisselle de pierre (3-2e millénaires avant J-C.)’/’The technological transfers in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age: the example of the stone vessels industry (3rd – 2nd millenniums BC),’ Annales de la Fondation Fyssen 28 (2014) : 152-186. http://www.fondationfyssen.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/FINAL-web150_Fyssen28.pdf
Procopiou, Haris, Elise Morero, Roberto Vargiolu, M. Suarez-Sanabria, Hassan Zahouani ‘Tactile and visual perception during polishing: an ethnoarchaeological study in India (Mahabalipuram Tamil Nadu),’ Wear 301 (2013) : 144-149. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2012.11.058
Morero, Elise, Haris Procopiou, Roberto Vargiolu, Jeremy Johns, Hassan Zahouani, 2013, ‘Carving and polishing techniques of Fatimid rock crystal ewers (10-12th cent. AD.),’ Wear 301 (2013) : 150-156. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2013.01.038
Morero, Elise, Chapitre 3 : ‘Les techniques de fabrication des vases de pierre,’ in Jean-Claude Poursat (ed.), Fouilles exécutées à Malia, Le Quartier Mu V, Vie quotidienne et techniques au Minoen Moyen II, Paris, 2013: 67-85.
Morero, Elise ‘Ruptures et continuités des techniques lapidaires protohistoriques en Méditerranée orientale: l’exemple de la production de vases de pierre en Crète minoenne,’ in Jacques Jaubert, Nathalie Fourment, Pascal Depaepe (eds.), Transitions, ruptures et continuité en Préhistoire, XXVIIe congrès préhistorique de France, Bordeaux - Les Eyzies 2010, vol. 1, Évolution des techniques - comportements funéraires Néolithique ancien, Paris, 2013: 75-86. http://www.prehistoire.org/offres/file_inline_src/515/515_pj_160119_145400.pdf
Morero, Elise, ‘Les techniques de fabrication des vases de pierre,’ in Peter Pfälzner (éd.), Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Königsgruft von Qatna, Qatna Studien, Vol. I., Tuebingen, 2011: 275-291.
Morero, Elise ‘Transferts techniques en Méditerranée orientale. L’exemple de la fabrication des vases de pierre à l’Age du Bronze,’ Syria 88 (2011) : 207-224. DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/syria.913
Procopiou, Haris, Athina Boleti, Roberto Vargiolu, Elise Morero, Hassan Zahouani ‘Stone Polishing techniques during Aegean Prehistory: Texture, radiance and tactile perception,’ in Proceedings of World Tribology Congress, 6-11 September 2009, Kyoto, Japan, Tokyo, 2009: 692.
Morero, Elise, Haris Procopiou, Roberto Vargiolu, Hassan Zahouani ‘Stone vase drilling in Bronze Age Crete,’ Laura Longo et Natalia Skakun (éds.), “Prehistoric Technology”, 40 Years Later: Functional Studies and The Russian Legacy, Proceedings of the International Congress held at Verona, 20-23 April 2005, Oxford, 2008: 479-482.
Morero, Elise & Haris Procopiou ‘Des outils simples pour des artisans spécialisés : l’exemple du Quartier Mu de Malia,’ Laurence Astruc, François Bon, Vanessa Léa, Pierre – Yves Milcent, Sylvie Philibert (eds.), Normes techniques et pratiques sociales. De la simplicité de l'outillage pré- et protohistoriques, XXVIe rencontre internationale d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes, APDCA, Antibes, 2006: 383-390.
Vargiolu, Roberto, Élise Morero, Athina Boleti, Haris Procopiou, C. Pailler-Mattei, Hassan Zahouani, ‘Effects of abrasion during stone vase drilling in Bronze Age Crete,’ Wear 263 (2007) : 48-56.DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2006.12.067
Vargiolu, Roberto, Hassan Zahouani, Elise Morero, Athina Boleti, Haris Procopiou ‘Effet de l'abrasion dans le forage de vases en pierre crétois durant l'âge du bronze,’ Yannick Desplanques et Gérard Degallaix (eds.), Tribologie et couplages multiphysiques : Actes des Journées internationales francophones de tribologie 2006 (Lille), Lausanne, 2008: 211-220.
Stordeur, Danielle, Rima Khawam, Bassam Jamous, Élise Morero ‘L’aire funéraire de Tell Aswad, (PPNB),’ Syria 83 (2006) : 39-62. DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/syria.310
Morero, Elise, Ruggero Longo, Rosa Bacile, Haris Procopiou, Roberto Vargiolu, Hassan Zahouani, Jeremy Johns ‘Petrified Power: First account on the study of the use of Roman hard stone spolia in Norman Sicily (twelfth – thirteenth centuries),’ in Therese Martin (ed.), The Turn to Stone: Visualizing the Petrification of Wealth in Western Mediterranean Lands (c. 1050-1300).
Morero, Elise, ‘Les techniques de fabrication des vases de pierre des abords Nord-Est du palais de Malia’ in Pascal Darcque (ed.), Études Crétoises.