Supervisor: Associate Professor Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay
College Affiliation: Wolfson College
2020-present: DPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford
- Thesis title (tentative): Rethinking Piri Reis and his Kitāb-ı Baḥriyye ('Book of the Sea')
2018-2020: MPhil in Islamic Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford
2016-2018: MA in History, Boğaziçi University
2012-2016: BA in Archaeology and History of Art, Koç University
Research Interests:
History of cartography and mapmaking in the Ottoman world and the Mediterranean; Islamic art, architecture, and visual culture (mainly 15th-18th centuries); Manuscript studies
Scholarships and Grants:
Oxford-Wolfson-Marriott I.M. Pei Graduate Scholarship in Islamic Art and Architecture
Full Scholarship from Koç University