Khalili Research Centre, 3 St John Street, Oxford, OX1 2LG, UK
Tel. + 44 1865 278226
Research Interests
Late medieval and early modern Islamic architecture; illustrated manuscripts; Sufi shrines; hagiography and historiography
'The Sultan, His Monument, and the Critical Public', in Early Modern Istanbul, edited by S. Hamadeh and Ç. Kafescioğlu (Leiden: Brill).
'Bir Silahşör, Birkaç KItap ve Bilmediğimiz Birçok Şey', in Prof. Dr. Zeren Tanındı'ya Armağan Kitabı: İslam Dünyasında Kitap Kültürü ve Sanatı / Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Zeren Tanındı: Art and Culture of Books in the Islamic World, edited by A. Erkmen and Ş. Tamcan (Istanbul: Lale).
(co-authored with Serpil Bağcı) 'Book-Picking in a Conquered Citadel', in festschrift to Cemal Kafadar, edited by R. Goshgarian, I. Khuri-Makdisi and A. Yaycıoğlu (Chicago: Academic Studies).
‘Ibn al-‘Arabi and Rumi in the Twists and Turns of Ottoman Religio-Politics’, in Sacred Spaces and Urban Networks, edited by S. Yalman and A.H. Uğurlu (Istanbul: Koç University Research Centre for Anatolian Civilizations, 2019), pp. 159–75.
‘Architectural Patronage and the Rise of the Ottomans’, in A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture, edited by F.B. Flood and G. Necipoğlu (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2017), 2: 733–54.
'The Sword Dhū'l-faqār and the Ottomans', in People of the Prophet's House, edited by F. Suleman (London: Institute of Ismaili Studies and Azimuth Editions, 2015), pp. 163–72.
'Two Shrines Joined in One Network: Seyyid Gazi and Hacı Bektaş', in Archaeology, Anthropology and Heritage in the Balkans and Anatolia: The Life and Works of F.W. Hasluck, 1878–1920, Volume 3, edited by D. Shankland (Istanbul: Isis, 2013), pp. 171–89.
Architecture and Hagiography in the Ottoman Empire: The Politics of Bektashi Shrines in the Classical Age (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012).
'Writing Down the Feats and Setting Up the Scene: Hagiographers and Architectural Patrons in the Age of Empires', in Sufism and Society: Arrangements of the Mystical in the Muslim World 1200-1800, ed. John J. Curry and Erik S. Ohlander (London and New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. 94–119.
'Osmanlı Mimarisinde Aleni Devşirme Malzeme: Gazilerin Alamet-i Farikası' (Conspicuous Spolia in Architecture: A Trademark of Anatolian Frontier Warriors), inGelenek, Kimlik, Bireşim: Kültürel Kesişmeler ve Sanat –Tradition, Identity and Synthesis: Cultural Crossings and Art, ed. S. Bağcı and Z. Yasa Yaman (Ankara: Hacettepe University Press, 2011), pp. 273–82.
'Afyonkarahisar (Afyon Kara Hisar)', in Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, ed. Gudrun Krämer et al (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007— [2010]), I: 16–8.
'Ottoman Painting, Venetian Audience, Divergent Content: The Source of a Picture from Taeschner's Album', in Thirteenth International Congress of Turkish Art: Proceedings, ed. G. Dávid and I. Gerelyes (Budapest: Hungarian National Museum, 2009), pp. 759–71.
'Bir Kitabenin Söylemeye Çalıştıkları', Journal of Turkish Studies – Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları Dergisi 31 (2007): 339–48.
'Şiir ve Güzel Sanatlar: Klasik Osmanlı Üslupları Arasında İlişkiler', in Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, edited by T. Halman (Ankara: TR Ministry of Culture, 2006), I: 411–26.
'Şeyh Bedreddin ve Ecinniler: Alışılmışın ve Çalışılmışın Dışında bir Menakıbname', in Şinasi Tekin'in Anısına: Uygurlardan Osmanlıya, edited by G. Kut and F. Büyükkarcı (Istanbul: Simurg, 2005), pp. 721–31.
'A Building Between the Public and Private Realms of the Ottoman Ruling Elite: The Sufi Convent of Sokollu Mehmed Pasha in Istanbul', Muqarnas 20 (2003): 159–85.